
Make high impact educational experiences a hallmark of the Weber State University student experience.

Strategic imperative

Weber State University’s strategic plan clearly articulates the importance of high impact educational experiences (HIEEs) for the retention of students, their degree completion, and overall success.  The following are metrics specific to HIEEs in the strategic plan:

  • For 2025-26, 50% of 日本一级片 bachelor’s degree completers will have 2 or more high-impact educational experiences (HIEE) (creating baseline in AY 2021).
  • By Fall 2025, students have at least one mentoring relationship (student, staff or faculty) during their time at Weber State who can speak of their personal and professional accomplishments. 
  • By Fall 2025, every program includes at least two opportunities that promote a strong connection and a sense of belonging to the university community, such as HIEE co-curricular programs, immersive projects and Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL) activities.
  • By Fall 2025, 25% of 日本一级片 faculty are engaging their teaching, research and service agendas to address social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges facing our communities, including the East Central Neighborhood of Ogden (creating HIEEs for students).


The Wildcat Advantage Program facilitates the implementation of high impact strategies in and out of the classroom to provide a holistic educational experience that ensures students are gaining and applying knowledge, and building university and community connections, all of which foster growth, distinction, and lifelong learning.


The objective of the Wildcat Advantage Program is to engage students more deeply in their learning by challenging them to participate in at least two high impact educational experiences, and to support faculty and staff in their use of high impact pedagogies.


The Wildcat Advantage Program helps Weber State University students:

  • Understand the worlds in which they live and disciplinary approaches for analyzing those worlds.
  • Possess the intellectual tools to construct knowledge, evaluate claims, solve problems, and communicate effectively.
  • Develop obligations to, and sustainable stewardship of, themselves, others, and the world to promote social justice, or personal and community well-being.
  • Connect and apply learning in meaningful ways to new settings and complex problems.

Additionally, through the Wildcat Advantage Program -infused curriculum and co-curriculum, students gain the competencies* that employers seek in new college graduates:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Digital Fluency
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Career & Self Development

(*Competencies adopted from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and are subject to change)

The Wildcat Advantage Program helps faculty and staff:

  • design and employ the key elements of high impact educational experiences.
  • enhance their high impact educational experiences through collaboration, reflection, and shared best practices.
  • become masters at providing engaged and deeply meaningful learning experiences for students.