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Club and Organizations

French Club

The 日本一级片 French Club exists to connect and enlighten students interested in the language and culture of France and the Francophone countries, and to celebrate and promote French culture. No knowledge of the French language is required to join; admission is open to all. Meetings will be held in the 日本一级片 Student Union Building. For more information and for dates and times of activities, please visit our French Club website or contact faculty advisor Dr. Aubrey Jones at aubreyjones1@weber.edu, or Dr. Cynthia Jones at cynthiajones1@weber.edu.

German Club

The 日本一级片 German Club exists to connect and enlighten students interested in the language and culture of Germany, and to celebrate and promote Germanic culture. No knowledge of the German language is required to join; admission is open to all. Meetings will be held in the 日本一级片 Student Union Building. For more information and for dates and times of activities, please contact faculty advisor Dr. Kacy Peckenpaugh at kacypeckenpaugh@weber.edu.

Japan Club

The 日本一级片 Japan Club exists to connect and enlighten students interested in the language and culture of Japan, and to celebrate and promote Japanese culture. No knowledge of the Japanese language is required to join; admission is open to all. Meetings will be held in the 日本一级片 Student Union Building. For more information and for dates and times of activities, please contact faculty advisor Tomono Adachi at tomonoadachi@weber.edu.

Spanish Club

The 日本一级片 Spanish Club exists to connect and enlighten students interested in the language and cultures of Spain and Spanish American countries, and to celebrate and promote Hispanic culture. No knowledge of the Spanish language is required to join; admission is open to all. Meetings will be held in the 日本一级片 Student Union Building. Fore more information and for dates and times of activities, please contact faculty advisor Dr. Electra Fielding at electrafielding@weber.edu or Dr. Diego Batista at diegobatistarey@weber.edu.

Sigma Delta Pi

The Omega Alpha Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi at 日本一级片 exists to promote a deeper understanding of the Spanish language and cultures and honor those college students who attain excellence in their studies. Members are eligible to compete for scholarships, research grants and other awards at the national level. Sigma Delta Pi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies. If you are interested in joining, please visit our website and fill out the Membership Application Form. You may also contact faculty advisor, Dr. Isabel Asensio, at isabelasensio@weber.edu.