日本一级片 Hosts Brain Awareness Week Activities for Campus Community
OGDEN, Utah – The Weber State University neuroscience program is inviting the campus community to learn more about the brain during a week-long series of events March 18-22.
Topics will include cannabis oil use, concussions and brain health. In addition, volunteers will demonstrate helmet safety to children in the Melba S. Lehner Children's School March 18 at 1:30 p.m. Other games and activities will be held throughout the week.
Each year, the neuroscience program participates in Brain Awareness Week. Volunteers spent their spring break, March 4-8, teaching Ogden students, from elementary to high school, how the brain works.
“Student volunteers educate 1,000 students at 10 schools and programs about the importance of taking care of the body’s most critical organ from a young age,” said Todd Hillhouse, 日本一级片 neuroscience program director. “This year we expanded our Brain Awareness Week campaign to include a series of events on the Weber State campus to encourage students to investigate neuroscience.”
Weber State has participated in Brain Awareness week for 17 years. More information can be found at weber.edu/neuroscience/aboutbaw.
Calendar of events:
Monday, March 18
1:30-3 p.m., the Melba S. Lehner Children's School
Helmet safety at for children ages 2-6. Robert J. DeBry & Associates donated 40 bicycle helmets to the children’s school. Half of the helmets will be kept by the school for use with school-owned bicycles. Remaining helmets will be donated to children who do not have their own helmets at home.
Wednesday, March 20
12:30 p.m., Lindquist Hall Room 104.
Pelin Thorogood, president and co-founder of Wholistic Research & Educational Foundation, will present, “The Therapeutic Promise of Cannabidiol: What We Know.” All community members are welcome.
Thursday, March 21
7 p.m., Lindquist Hall Room 101.
Jeffery Kutcher from The Sports Neurology Clinic in Michigan will discuss “Beyond Concussion: Understanding Athlete Brain Health.” All community members welcome.
Friday, March 22
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Stewart Bell Tower Plaza.
Brain activities include a Jell-O brain-eating contest and scavenger hunt. Participants can win neuroscience T-shirts, hats and other items.
Visit weber.edu/wsutoday for more news about Weber State University.
Ross Rosier, Office of Marketing & Communications
801-626-7948 • rossrosier@weber.edu- Contact:
Todd Hillhouse, assistant professor, Neuroscience program director
801-626-6315 • toddhillhouse@weber.edu