Resident Resources
Quick Links
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Housing Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Room Assignment:
Where can I find information about choosing a room or finding a roommate? NOTE: Roommate Groups are not currently available due to limited space.
How are room assignments made?
Do I have to choose my room, or can I let Housing take care of it?
Do I have to be in a roommate group?
I’m trying to add someone to my roommate group, but the system says it’s “locked.” What does that mean?
Why didn’t I get the building, room, or roommate I requested?
I would like to request a room or roommate change or update my housing application information. How do I do that?
If I am no longer planning to live on campus, how do I request a cancellation of my housing agreement?
Move-In Information:
When can I move in?
What if I need to move in early?
What can I expect when I arrive?
Will I have help unloading my car to move in?
What can / should I bring?
Waiting Lists, Room and Roommate Changes
Meal Plans
Building Access & Mobile Wildcard
Mail Services
Move Out: