Digital Parking Permits

Permit Types

To see more about permit types and purchase your virtual permit please visit the permit types page. Use a browser other than Safari as it is not compatible with payment gateway.


      A - Permits

    • $145.00 per year
      $86.00 per semester


      W - Permits

    • $95.00 per year
      $58.00 per semester


      R/W - Permits

    • $95.00 per year
      $58.00 per semester


      R - Permits

    • $67.00 per year
      $40.00 per semester


      Disability Permits

    • $95.00 per year
      $58.00 per semester


      Dee Events Center Permits

    • FREE
      Permit not required

Anyone wishing to purchase "W", "RW" or "R" virtual permit may access the parking channel beginning July 1st. To save time and frustration, park for free at the Dee Events Center and take the UTA OGX route rather than searching for "W" space. You will need your vehicle information; license plate, state, make, model and color, to register your vehicle. Be sure to park so your license plate is visible from travel lane. 

  1. Log in  (click on 日本一级片 LOGIN and enter your credentials).
  2. Click on Add next to "PERMITS" and Add next to the "permit options available."
  3. Add your vehicles. There is a maximum of 1 vehicle tied to permit at any time. After adding vehicles, be sure to check the box next to the primary vehicle assigned to the permit. You do not need to change the start date, it is correct for the annual and semester permit options.
  4. Click on continue.
  5. Select form of payment and click on pay.

Parking Services office hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Citations for parking violations are issued beginning the first day of school.  Failure to pay for your permit does not negate your responsibility to properly register your vehicle.

"A" Permit Senior Lottery

The opens annually on July 1st.

The virtual permits will be offered using random assignment to qualified senior or grad students (those currently enrolled in summer or fall classes and have at least 90 semester hours earned and posted). For a better chance at getting an "A" permit be sure to select your top three choices from the "A" permits that are available. Once the permit assignment has been made an email will be sent to each student with the permit type awarded.   

Permit Refunds

Refunds are issued to those who contact our office to request a refund on the virtual permit. Prorated refund amounts are based on original purchase date or first date of the semester permit is to be used, whichever is of the best benefit to purchaser. Refunds will only be issued to the person who purchased the parking permit. Annual permit pricing is determined by fall and spring semesters only, summer semester is a bonus for those that purchase an annual permit.

The amount of the refund is based on the following scale:

If permit is returned within:

Amount of Refund:

1 week of  date  purchased.

Full price of permit

2 weeks of date purchased

Full price of permit

3 weeks of date purchased

$10.00 deducted from permit purchase price

4 weeks of date purchased

$20.00 deducted from permit purchase price

5 weeks of date purchased

$30.00 deducted from permit purchase price

6 weeks of date purchased

$40.00 deducted from permit purchase price

7 weeks of date purchased

$50.00 deducted from permit purchase price

8 weeks of date purchased

$60.00 deducted from permit purchase price. No refund for W, RW, R and DC Permits.

9 weeks of date purchased $70.00 deducted from permit purchase price. No refund for W, RW, R and DC Permits.
10 weeks of date purchased $80.00 deducted from permit purchase price. No refund for W, RW, R and DC Permits.
11 weeks of date purchased $90.00 deducted from permit purchase price. No refund for W, RW, R and DC Permits.
12 weeks of date purchased No refund