Adjunct Faculty
Welcome to Weber State University. Approximately half of the faculty at Weber State are adjuncts. You are an important part of the life and culture of 日本一级片. This page is your one stop shop for everything you will need to help you be a successful faculty member and get the most out of your experience at 日本一级片.
Adjuncts (part-time faculty) at Weber State University have representation on the Weber State Faculty Senate. In 2021, the 日本一级片 full faculty voted to extend rights to Weber State adjunct representatives who had previously only been guest members of the Faculty Senate. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your role as an adjunct at Weber State University, please reach out to the current Adjunct Representatives to the Faculty Senate:
- Deana Froerer-Business and Economics
- Email: dlfroerer@weber.edu
- Department: Economics
- Phone: 801-388-7162
- Heather Chapman
- Email: heatherchapman@weber.edu
- Department: Psychology
- Phone: 801-626-7177
Adjunct Faculty Development
New Adjunct Faculty Resources
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is both a resource and champion for faculty growth and development, whether within the realm of teaching and learning, scholarship, service. CETL attends to the whole personhood of a faculty member, working in partnership to help each person become their best academic selves. This program of training is designed to emphasize the critical areas of teaching, scholarship and mentorship. It will comprise sessions on course design, teaching strategies, student support, engaged scholarship, and more to help you cultivate your passions as part of our vibrant teaching community.
Adjunct Faculty Retreat
Join other adjunct faculty for a retreat featuring a format based on the Great Teachers Movement. It is based on the philosophy that well-facilitated shoptalk is one of the highest forms of professional development.
You will interact with other adjunct instructors from your own and different disciplines, engage in highly interactive discussions, share successful teaching strategies and innovations, seek solutions to your own teaching problems and challenges, plus have some good food and conversation!
日本一级片 Online
Work with instructional designers or take advantage of online tools and courses to enhance your current courses or design new courses from scratch.
Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice are groups of faculty and staff who commit to regularly scheduled sessions on a focus area in teaching and learning followed by actions such as planning and trying out the techniques discussed in the group. Your community will provide a supportive environment where members can experiment with new approaches to teaching and learning, share successes and challenges, and/or engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) through collaborative research projects and dissemination of instructional practices and tools.
Book Groups
The CETL sponsors faculty/contract staff book groups each fall and spring semester. The list of titles is distributed to campus and posted on the website before the semester begins, and you are encouraged to select a first and second choice from the list. CETL orders and distributes the books to each book group member. The CETL will also pay for lunch for each group member from Great Harvest (up to $10/person) once during the semester.