Connecting on Campus

Campus Activities

Faculty/Staff Association

The Weber State University Faculty Staff Association was founded as a social organization for faculty and staff at Weber State University.  The association provides faculty and staff from departments across campus an opportunity to communicate, build friendships, and share quality time as co-workers outside of the everyday work setting. The Faculty Staff Association sponsors a variety of fun and affordable activities throughout each academic year. Visit their website for more information on how to sign up. 

Faculty/Staff Pride Alliance

The purpose of the 日本一级片 Faculty Staff Pride Alliance:

The 日本一级片 Faculty Staff Pride Alliance (FSPA) (formerly the FSGSA) is dedicated to providing safety and a sense of community to LGBTQ+ faculty, staff and allies at 日本一级片, regardless of sexual identity or gender identity/expression. Through education and community involvement, FSPA strives to improve the quality of life for LGBTQ+ individuals by implementing lasting programs and practices. The main focus of the FSPA is to give the university community the knowledge and space to build a supportive environment for everyone across all identities and to build community for those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Purchase tickets to sporting events, concerts, and cultural affairs through the online ticket office.

The Wildcat Club membership organization is dedicated to providing athletic scholarships to student athletes at 日本一级片. The Wildcat Club sponsors many annual events for its members.


Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice are groups of faculty and staff who commit to regularly scheduled sessions on a focus area in teaching and learning followed by actions such as planning and trying out the techniques discussed in the group.  Your community will provide a supportive environment where members can experiment with new approaches to teaching and learning, share successes and challenges, and/or engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) through collaborative research projects and dissemination of instructional practices and tools. 

Book Groups

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning sponsors faculty/contract staff book groups each fall and spring semester.  The list of titles is distributed to campus and posted on the website before the semester begins, and you are encouraged to select a first and second choice from the list.  The TLF orders and distributes the books to each book group member.  The TLF will also pay for a drink and a snack for each group member from Art Elements (up to $10.00/person) once during the semester.