Adjunct Faculty Policies and Procedures
Please go to Weber State's Policies and Procedures Manual for clarification or any questions about Weber State policies.
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has combined and currated syllabus guidelines from across campus.
The Basics Before You Begin Teaching
Class Attendance
- Create a clear attendance policy in your syllabus.
- Students have a right to expect access to faculty in formal class, in scheduled office hours, or by appointment (PPM 6-22, III, B, 7,k).
- Students should inform you of planned absences well in advance (PPM 6-22, IV, D, 6).
Course Syllabus
- All faculty must provide their students with a syllabus and place a copy on file with their department chair (PPM 4-9a).
- Students have a right to expect a course syllabus in the first week of class with an outline of course goals, assignments, and contact information (PPM 6-22, III, B, 7, h).
- The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has a syllabus guideline page to assist in the development of the syllabi for your courses.
- Depending on your department, textbook selection may or may not rest with the faculty member. For common courses, a department may require a specific textbook.
- Should your department allow you to choose your own textbook, consider utility and cost as determining factors (PPM 4-16, II, B, 1, 2).
- In your syllabus, you should indicate how you plan to evaluate your students' work. To understand 日本一级片's grading system, refer to the Grading Policies ().
- At times, students request a change of grade. It is at your discretion, as a faculty member, whether or not to change a student's final grade ().
- In rare and extreme situations, students may be given an incomplete. Faculty and students should be aware that an incomplete may only be given if the student has completed 80% of the required work for the course (PPM 4-19, E, 1-6).
- Should students come to you with questions about grades and how they affect their standing in the University. You may refer them to the Academic Rules, Regulations, and Standards (PPM 4-17).
Final Exams
Final Exams are scheduled by the University and may only be given during the scheduled time. Include final exam times in your syllabus (PPM 4-21).
Class Rolls
- Access your class rolls through the . After logging in, you can find your class rolls in the Faculty Dashboard App.
Grade and Performance Complaints about Faculty
日本一级片 provides students with a process for greivances against faculty (PPM 6-22,C, 2, d.). Students may seek resolution which involves filing written formal complaints and various hearings committees. Academic complaints are generally reviewed within the academic program in which they arose. Whenever possible, such complaints should be resolved at the lowest level (e.g. faculty member, staff member, director, etc.). (PPM 6-22, VIII, A) For behavioral disputes direct students to the Dean of Students, Dr. Jeffrey Hurst. For questions, or to schedule an appointment, please email or call 801-626-7256.
- Complaints about student grades should be handled first between the instructor and the student. If the dispute cannot be resolved to the satifcation of both parties, then the student may discuss this issue with the program director or the department chair.
- In an effort to prevent student complaints about grades, faculty are encouraged to announce evaluation criteria to students and to publish grade weights and due dates in their syllabi.
Office Hours and Student Access
Adjunct faculty are not required to keep scheduled office hours; however, they must provide students with appropriate contact information (phone number or email address) (PPM 6-22, III, B, 7, k).
Additional Course Responsibilities
- Your main responsibilities are to meet your classes, return assignments in a timely manner, and be accessible (by phone or email) to your students. Individual departments may require you to attend professional growth activities or department meetings; check with your department about these requirements.
Procedures for Instructor Evaluation
Students evaluate instructors and courses typically each semester (PPM 6-22, III, B, 7, m). Check with your department for additional evaluation procedures.