Committee Bylaws

Division Outstanding Performance Awards

Recognition Committee Bylaws

27 October 2003
Last Revised:
21 February 2007
See RED type for recent changes

I. MISSION -- The mission of the Recognition Committee is to fairly and equitably administer the 日本一级片 Administrative Services Division Outstanding Performance Award Program.


The Vice President (VP) of the Administrative Services Division allocates funds each year for the express purpose of recognizing outstanding performance within the Division.  These monies fund the Division Outstanding Performance Award Program.  Outstanding Performance Awards are cash awards and mementos given semi-annually at the Division level to Administrative Services employees for outstanding performance.  The Recognition Committee is responsible for recommending award winners to the VP of Administrative Services where they will be reviewed with the Administrative Services Department Directors/Assistant Vice Presidents (AVPs). 

III. Bylaws

Bylaws are the rules and procedures that the Recognition Committee uses in carrying out the objectives of the committee.  Amendments or revisions to the bylaws will be made by consensus.  Amendments or revisions to the bylaws will go into effect during the next recognition cycle.


A. Membership -- A total of Eleven (11) Administrative Services employee will comprise the Recognition Committee.

  1. One (1) representative will be from the Office of the VP of Administrative Services or another division representative as assigned.  This individual will be a non-voting member and will ensure the Recognition Guidelines are followed.  
  2. Ten (10) Administrative Services employees will represent each Administrative Services Department.  Former awardees are highly desired committee members.
    • Members serve a staggered term of two years. The committee consists of a chair, chair-elect, secretary, treasurer, and members.
    • Successors to normal exiting committee members shall be determined by the VP and Department Directors/AVPs.  Care should be taken to have each employee group represented. 
    • Replacements for members leaving before their term has been completed will serve the remaining term of that member in order to maintain the staggered terms.

B. Governing Body -- The governing body is elected by the Recognition Committee, and consists of a Chair, a Chair-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

  1. The Chair, having served as Chair-elect during his/her first year, will assume the responsibilities of the chair during his/her second year.
  2. The Chair-elect is nominated by the committee, and approved by majority vote. The chair-elect will serve his/her second year as chair.
  3. The Secretary is nominated by the committee, and approved by majority vote, or can be appointed by the current chairperson. The Secretary may serve in this capacity during any or all of his/her two-year term, but must be approved or appointed each year.
  4. The Treasurer is nominated by the committee, and approved by majority vote, or can be appointed by the current Chairperson. The Treasurer may serve more than one year with committee approval.


A. Committee members:

  1. Lend support as an advocate for employee recognition within the Division.
  2. Attend all committee meetings.
  3. Review all submitted Nominations.
  4. Serve on subcommittees as assigned by the chair.
  5. Maintain confidentiality in regards to all committee business.
  6. Gain a better understanding of the value of employee recognition.
  7. Assist in the training of new members.
  8. Notify the chair if unable to attend committee meetings.

B. Chair:

  1. Ensures that the committee adheres to all bylaws.
  2. Responsible for signing off on all financial documentation.
  3. Prepares agenda, with advice from the committee, and facilitates all committee meetings.
  4. Creates subcommittees and appoints members to serve as needed.
  5. Directs the promotion of staff recognition in an effort to increase the number and quality of Nominations submitted.

C. Chair-elect:

  1. Assumes the necessary responsibilities of the chairperson in the chair's absence.
  2. Distributes Nominations to each committee member.
  3. Provides the list of approved award recipients to the Office of the VP of Administrative Services or the assigned committee representative.

D. Secretary:

  1. Records minutes of all meetings and forwards pertinent information to committee members.
  2. Serves as the contact person for absentee members.
  3. Turns over all records to the chair at the end of the year.

E. Treasurer:

  1. Monitors balance of available funds.
  2. Informs Recognition Committee of any financial concerns.


A. The committee:

  1. Meets at least once a month during the following months at a place, day and time determined by the chair.
    Award Cycle --December (process training), January (selection of awardees), February (process improvement)
  2. Recommends awardees based on committee member ranking.

B.  The Office of the VP of Administrative Services or the assigned committee representative

  1. Routinely calls for Nominations.
  2. Collects Nominations.
  3. Provides a copy of Nomination and a congratulatory letter to each nominee, with a copy to the appropriate supervisor.
  4. Shares Nominations with the editor of the Quality Newsletter.
  5. Facilitates awarding awards (i.e., orders mementos, ensures Personnel Action Reports are written, etc.)
  6. Provides original Nominations to Human Resources for placing in personnel folders.

C. Nomination Eligibility Guidelines

  1. Part-time/hourly employees and contract employees (classified and professional) who work within the Administrative Services Division are eligible to receive these awards.
  2. Executive employees are exempt from receiving these awards.  Committee members are exempt from receiving these awards.
  3. Nominations must be received by the Office of the VP of Administrative Services by April 30.
  4. Nominations must be complete and include specific details reflecting outstanding performance

D. Procedure for evaluating and awarding proposals

  1. At the end of an award cycle, each committee member will receive copies of all Nominations and an "Individual Evaluation Table" to score each Nomination.
  2. The chair will collect the Individual Evaluation Table from each committee member and prepare a "Master Evaluation Table." This table will display all the scores for all proposals by all committee members.
  3. The committee will then meet and make decisions based on the Master Evaluation Table.  Scores will be recorded in the minutes and a short statement explaining low scores will be provided.
  4. Committee members will attempt to make decisions by consensus, but may use a simple majority vote.

E. Committee Member Eligibility Requirements

  1. Committee members are not eligible to receive awards during their term.
  2. If a committee member has a conflict of interest with a Nomination, that member will be excused from all involvement in the evaluation process for that Nomination.
  3. The committee will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all Nominations receive equal opportunity for consideration.

F. Procedures for Notification of Awards

  1. The Committee Chair will give the list of recommended award recipients to the Administrative Services VP.
  2. After reviewing the award list with the AVP of Human Resources (or designee), the VP will review the list with the other Department Directors/AVPs.  After modifications are made, as necessary, the VP will give the Chair the final list of selected award recipients.
  3. The Committee Chair will notify the selected award recipients individually in writing of their award.
  4. Nominees not selected will also be notified in writing by the Chair.
  5. Form letters are available for use at the discretion of the committee Chair.
  6. The Administrative Services VP will present the award (memento and check) to each individual.