“We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” - Lloyd Alexander
Throughout the APEX Certificate you will complete career-preparation activities in four areas: Core, Career, Outreach, and Education.
The activities you select can be completed at any time and in any order. You can also include previously completed activities as part of your APEX progress. Track your progress on the APEX Map and then articulate your experience and the skills you developed within your ePortfolio. Whenever possible, include visual images and artifacts in your ePortfolio as well. In your final meeting with your APEX Guide, they will assess your ePortfolio and approve your completion of the APEX Certificate.
Click on the activities below to learn more about how to complete each one. If you have any questions, contact your APEX Guide.
Career-Preparation Activities
Meet with APEX Guide
Action: Meet with your APEX Guide 1-2 times each year to discuss the Certificate and your progress. It is especially important to meet with them prior to completing an internship to discuss any specific parameters or requirements, and after its completion to discuss what you learned and how it can be applied to your intended career field.
Verification: Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Complete an Internship/Professionalizing Experience
Action: Participate in an internship or professionalizing experience, ideally related to your intended career field. The goal of this experience is to develop your Career Competencies and knowledge of the industry, and to help you build relevant experience and connections. Meet with your faculty, APEX Guide, and/or Career Services for ideas regarding the type of internship that would be most beneficial for you.
Verification: Include the internship experience on your resume and in your ePortfolio. Your internship should be listed like a job, with 3-5 strong bullet points that describe what you did, how you did it, and the skills you developed. Visit the Employment Guides section of Career Services’ website for guidance on writing a strong resume. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Create a LinkedIn Profile
Action: Create a LinkedIn profile to increase your professional online presence and network. Include the following information on your LinkedIn profile: Professional Photo, Headline, Summary, Experience, Education, Skills. You may also upload your resume, photos, projects, and other professional information about yourself. After creating your profile, continue to stay active by writing or posting articles and connecting with others. Drop into the Career Station at Career Services for more guidance.
Verification: List your LinkedIn shortened URL on your resume and ePortfolio. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Resume Review
Action: Visit the Employment Guides section of Career Services’ website for guidance on writing a strong resume. Be sure to include a skills section to showcase the career competencies you have developed, and links to your ePortfolio and LinkedIn profile. Then have your resume reviewed by a professional (i.e. faculty member, working professional in your industry, Career Services, etc.) and make any needed edits.
Verification: Post your final resume on your ePortfolio. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Mock Interview
Action: Complete a mock interview with a professional (i.e. faculty member, working professional in your industry, Career Services, etc.) See the Interview Guide and Practice Interview Questions Guide on Career Services’ website to get started.
Verification: Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Develop an ePortfolio
Action: Create an ePortfolio on any online service (i.e. Portfolium, WordPress, Behance, Google Sites, etc.). Include at least 4 pieces of work you have created that showcase your knowledge and skills, including items developed as part of the APEX Certificate. Put the link to your ePortfolio on your resume and on your professional social media accounts.
Verification: When you are finished with all aspects of the APEX Certificate, show your final ePortfolio to your APEX Guide. Discuss the components of the ePortfolio and how you will utilize it in the future. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Explore Majors & Careers
Action: Explore potential majors and careers by participating in 日本一级片’s 3 step Major & Career Exploration program. Use the information you have learned to do more research, conduct Informational Interviews, and/or participate in an Internship.
Verification: Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Take the CliftonStrengths Assessment
Action: Contact the Student Involvement and Leadership department to take the CliftonStrengths assessment for free. Use the available resources, such as “Getting the Most Out of Your Clifton Report” to learn more about how to apply your Strengths. Connect with them or Career Services for additional support.
Verification: Employers may not recognize or know how to interpret your Top 5 Strengths if you simply list them by name. Instead, utilize key phrases from your assessment to describe yourself in your resume, cover letter, mock interview, and ePortfolio. Example for the Achiever Strength: “While working on tasks and projects, I set clear expectations and deadlines for myself and my team to ensure we are able to achieve our desired goals in a timely and professional way.” Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Complete a Job Shadow
Action: Contact a company or professional that you are interested in learning more about and request the opportunity to job shadow them. Spend the day shadowing the individual to learn more about their role, their company, and how you can better prepare yourself for a career in the industry.
Verification: Connect with the individual(s) you met on LinkedIn. In your ePortfolio, add 1-2 paragraphs summarizing what you learned through your observation, what skills you have that can contribute to the field, and what excites you about this career path/industry. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Attend a Career Fair
Action: Attend at least one career or internship fair hosted by Weber State University. Connect with at least 5 employers and share your skill sets with them.
Verification: Connect with at least one of the employers on LinkedIn. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Acquire References
Action: Ask 3-5 mentors, supervisors, and/or professors to serve as professional references. Compile their names, professional titles, and contact information into a document you can use for job applications. See Career Services’ Employment Guides for more guidance.
Verification: To protect their privacy, do not make this information public online. However, your ePortfolio can include a comment such as this: “I am currently open to discussing new career opportunities, and would be glad to put you in touch with my professional references and share the letters of recommendation they have provided regarding my skills and qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you for further discussion.” Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Request Letters of Recommendation
Action: Request letters of recommendation from a mentor, supervisor, or professor. Explain why you have chosen them specifically to write this letter for you, and discuss the specific skills and qualities you would like them to highlight. When possible, save the letters in digital form.
Verification: Include a quote about your skills in your ePortfolio. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Create a Handshake Profile
Action: Create a Handshake profile and make it visible to employers. Include a professional photo, “My Journey”, interests, education, and experience. You may also upload your resume, projects, and other professional information about yourself. Drop into the Career Station at Career Services for more guidance.
Verification: Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Participate in a 日本一级片 Club
Action: Join a 日本一级片 club to network and expand your service and leadership skills. Student Involvement and Leadership’s Clubs and Organizations is a great place to start. Participate in at least 3 of their activities/events during the academic year. Consider taking on a role in leadership, event planning, or similar to build your skills even further.
Verification: Include your club involvement on your resume and ePortfolio. If you have pictures or other evidence of your participation, include them in your ePortfolio as well. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Engage in Community Service
Action: Engage in 30 hours of community service. 日本一级片’s Center for Community Engaged Learning is a great place to connect with opportunities in our area.
Verification: Include your community service on your resume and ePortfolio. If you have pictures or other evidence of your participation, include them in your ePortfolio as well. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Attend a New 日本一级片 Event
Action: Use the 日本一级片 Event Calendar or other campus resources to find a type of campus event you have never attended before. Ideally, this would be an event that helps you explore majors/careers, or expand your personal or professional interests. Make at least one new connection.
Verification: Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Meet with Your Academic Advisor
Action: Find your and meet with them at least 2 times to discuss your academic progress. Strive to meet with your advisor every year to ensure you are on track for graduation.
Verification: Your advisor will document this meeting in CatTracks. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Conduct an Informational Interview
Action: Use LinkedIn or other networking resources to contact a professional in a field you are interested in learning more about. Spend 15-20 minutes speaking with them regarding the profession, how you can best prepare yourself for work in the industry, and any other questions you may have about the field. See the Career Services’ Employment Guides for more guidance.
Verification: Connect with the individual on LinkedIn. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Study Abroad
Action: Participate in a 日本一级片 Study Abroad experience. Reflect on the skills you are developing as you interact with new people, places, and cultures.
Verification: Include the experiences and the skills you developed in your resume, ePortfolio, and mock interview. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Join a Professional Organization
Action: Research and join a professional organization related to your intended career. Many organizations have student memberships. If you have the opportunity, also attend an event or conference sponsored by the organization and add any contacts on LinkedIn.
Verification: List the organization on your resume and ePortfolio. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.
Action: Identify at least 4 courses that helped you develop your career readiness skills. These courses can be from your General Education or your major/minor.
Verification: In your ePortfolio, include an Education section where you describe both the career competencies and the industry-specific skills you learned in these courses. Explain how you acquired and applied those skills, and how it has prepared you for your career path. Example: “In my Dance Choreography course, I continuously utilized my teamwork and critical thinking skills to choreograph complex pieces with dancers of various skill levels. I learned how to assess the abilities of each dancer and showcase their talent in unique ways, while creating a unified performance.”
Also, include the skills gained in your resume and in describing yourself in your mock interview. Mark off this item on your APEX Map.