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Steps for Completion

Are you ready to jumpstart your career journey? The APEX Certificate is a perfect place to start! Here is a quick overview of the process:

Read the APEX Certificate Overview on this website.

Fill out the and then one of our APEX Guides will reach out to you.

Meet with your APEX Guide to determine how best to move forward.

Complete items in each of the 4 sections: Core, Career, Outreach, and Education. Select items that will develop your skills and expand your experience. As you complete the items in each section, plan to meet with your APEX Guide 1-2 times each year to ensure you are on track.

Your experiences will be documented in an ePortfolio that will articulate the skills you have learned while completing the 4 four sections of the certificate. In your final meeting with your APEX Guide, they will assess your ePortfolio and approve your completion of the APEX Certificate. You will receive a certificate to showcase to employers, and a cord to wear at graduation.


Questions? Contact the APEX Guide for your department.