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AUSV 1400 - Automotive Fundamentals (for the non-major)

This course introduces students to the systems and components of modern automobiles, basic hybrid/electric vehicles, and maintenance items that modern automobiles require. An introduction to automotive shop safety, Internet-based electronic service information, and diagnostic scan tools are also covered.

Credits: (1)
Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
Operation, diagnosis, and repair of selected automotive systems and general auto shop orientation for beginners and non-automotive majors.


Required Materials

  • A 日本一级片 Student Photo ID Card. – This is required to check out tools or equipment from the tool room.
  • Safety goggles/glasses. These must be worn in the shop at all times.
  • Laptop computer or tablet that is capable of word processing and internet connection.

Learning Outcomes

The Automotive Technology program at Weber State University is accredited by the . To obtain NATEF accreditation, certain tasks must be taught or performed in each of the eight Automotive Service Excellence areas.

The course covers the supplemental tasks for NATEF Master Automotive Service Technician (MAST) tasks. The course will also cover at least one task in each of the eight ASE skill areas. The following tasks will be performed during the course.

  • Shop and Personal Safety
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Engine Repair
  • Automatic Transmission and Transaxle
  • Manual Drivetrain and Axles
  • Suspension and Steering
  • Brakes
  • Electrical/Electronic Systems
  • Heating and Air Conditioning
  • Engine Performance