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Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires employers, including Weber State University, to provide an eligible employee with a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons:

  • The birth and care of the
    newborn child of the employee.

  • The placement with the employee
    of a son or daughter for
    adoption or foster care.

  • To care for an immediate family
    member (spouse, child, or parent)
    with a serious health condition.

  • To take medical leave when the
    employee is unable to work because
    of a serious health condition.

A “serious health condition” is defined as “an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility; or continuing treatment by a health care provider and requires a completed Certification of Physician or Practitioner Form.

Visit Weber State’s FMLA policy, the Human Resources Office or the for more detailed information about FMLA.

FMLA Guidelines for Employees

FMLA Steps for Employees

  • Review Weber State University’s FMLA policy to ensure you are familiar with the provisions.
  • Submit your completed FMLA application to Human Resources at least 30 days before the leave is to begin when leave is foreseeable. If leave is not foreseeable, submit your request as soon as possible. Failure to provide adequate notice can undermine your FMLA protections.
  • Submit your FMLA application via one of the following methods:
    • Mail the application to the HR office in the Miller Administration Building, mail code 1016 or fax 801-626-6925.
    • Email a copy of the application to hr@weber.edu
    • Email a copy of the application to the leave coordinator, Marisa Salazar, marisasalazar@weber.edu.
  • After submitting your application, you will receive an eligibility/rights and responsibilities notice indicating if you are eligible for FMLA leave. Please carefully read the email and notice of eligibility and keep this for your records.
  • Ensure the medical certification (employee or family member) form is fully completed by you and the appropriate healthcare provider and returned to HR in a timely manner.
  • It is preferred that your healthcare provider fax the completed certification directly to HR at 801-626-6925. Employees may also bring the completed certification to HR as well.
  • You will receive a designation notice indicating whether the leave qualifies for FMLA protections. Please carefully read the email and designation form and keep this for your records.
  • If requested, provide periodic status reports during the leave. You can find how often you are expected to provide these in the eligibility/rights and responsibilities notice.
  • Contact the Payroll office, payroll@weber.edu, to discuss payment options for your portion of the group health care coverage if/when you have exhausted all paid leave and enter Leave of Absence Without Pay (LWOP) status.
  • If circumstances change, such as the date you expect to return to work, notify HR as soon as it’s feasible.
  • When returning from continuous leave for your own serious health condition, you will be required to provide a fitness-for-duty certification before you can return to work. Your healthcare provider can fax the completed form directly to HR at 801-626-6925.