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Long-Term Disability

Long-Term Disability Insurance

If you’re unable to work because of a covered disability, long-term disability (LTD) insurance replaces a portion of your income. Weber State University has contracted with Sun Life Financial to provide long-term disability insurance to its employees.

After your claim is approved, you will receive a monthly check for your benefits that helps you pay everyday expenses like your mortgage or rent, childcare and groceries.

If you are able, Sun Life has benefits and services, including guidance from vocational rehabilitation counselors, to help you return to work.

This benefit is completely paid for by your employer.

The group policy number is 939764.


  • Monthly benefit after your claim is approved:

    You will receive a monthly check for your benefits, replacing 70% of your total monthly earnings, up to $15,000 each month.

  • When benefits begin:

    Benefits begin as soon as 90 days from the date of your disability.

  • Benefits may be paid for:

    Up to your Social Security Normal Retirement Age or longer, depending on your age at disability.

  • Additional plan information:

    This plan provides a benefit for covered disabilities resulting from illness or injury that occur on or off the job.

Common Causes of Disability

  • Musculoskeletal conditions

  • Circulatory conditions

  • Cancer

  • Nervous system disorders

  • Injuries

How to File a Long-Term Disability Claim Online

If you’re unable to work for a period of time due to a covered illness or injury, please contact your benefits administrator to report your disability. In order to process your request for benefits, you must complete all required claims forms in order for your claim to be considered for Sun Life’s approval.

  1. Visit .
  2. Under Support, select submit or track a claim.
  3. Create a Sun Life account.
  4. Complete the Long-Term Disability Claim—Employee’s Statement, including Authorizations and Reimbursement Agreement.
  5. Include a copy of your photo ID (e.g., license or passport) when you submit all completed paperwork to Sun Life.
  6. Ask your employer to complete the LongTerm Disability Claim—Employer’s Statement and then submit the completed form and a job description to Sun Life.
  7. Ensure that your doctor completes the Long-Term Disability Claim—Attending Physician’s Statement. It is your responsibility to make sure that the form is completed and submitted to Sun Life in order for us to evaluate your claim request.
  8. Submit your claim.

Filing a Claim by Fax or Mail

  1. Visit .
  2. Under Support, select “Find a Form.”
  3. Select Long-Term Disability from the drop-down menu.
  4. Complete and print the Long-Term Disability Claim—Employee’s Statement, including Authorizations and Reimbursement Agreement.
  5. Include a copy of your photo ID (e.g., license or passport) when you submit all completed paperwork to Sun Life.
  6. Ask your employer to complete the LongTerm Disability Claim—Employer’s Statement and then submit the completed form and a job description to Sun Life.
  7. Ensure that your doctor completes the Long-Term Disability Claim—Attending Physician’s Statement. It is your responsibility to make sure that the form is completed and submitted to Sun Life in order for us to evaluate your claim request.
  8. Submit your completed forms to Sun Life by fax or mail.

What Happens Next

  • Review

    Once Sun Life receives your completed claims information, a claims professional will evaluate your long-term disability claim. During the evaluation process, Sun Life will request additional information from your treatment providers and may also contact your employer for clarification of occupational requirements.

  • Determination

    You can check your claim and payment status or see if there are messages posted about your claim by logging into your Sun Life account, clicking on Check Disability Claims Status and then entering your claim number and social security number.


You’ll start receiving disability payments if you satisfy the Elimination Period, the length of time between the onset of the covered disability and the first payment, and meet the policy’s definition of disability. Generally, disability is defined as your inability to perform some or all of your job duties due to your injury, illness or pregnancy and may require that you have also had a certain percentage of earnings loss due to your disability. Please see your certificate, the legal document outlining terms, coverage and more, for details.


Source: Sun Life



General inquiries:


Claim inquiries:

8 a.m. to 8 p.m., EST