Tax Credit Resources for Education

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Individuals should contact a tax advisor or IRS Publications, Forms and Instructions for more information concerning these tax benefits.

Several tax benefits are available to help students meet the cost of higher education. They include:

  • Education Tax Credits
    •  up to $2,500 in tax credit.
    • Replaces the Hope Credit for tax years after 2009.
    • The Credit is available to a broader range of taxpayers, including many with higher incomes and those who owe no tax. You may even receive a credit if you don't have a tax liability.
    • Course materials may be added to the list of qualifying expenses (SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS).
    • The credit can may be claimed for four post-secondary education years instead of two.   
  • The Hope Credit (Expired in 2008 - Replaced by American Opportunity Tax Credit)
    • Tax-free withdrawals from state-sponsored and private tuition savings plans
    • Tax-free withdrawals from educations savings accounts (ESAs)
    • Reporting methods for Education Credits changed in 2018.  Prior to 2018, your 1098T reported "Charges Billed". Currently, your 1098T will report "Payments Received".


For advice concerning these tax benefits, please contact your tax consultant or refer to IRS  The Education Credits form and its instructions can be found at . The IRS phone number is 1-800-829-1040. 

If you have other questions you may contact the tax credit line at or e-mail questions to Please note that due to privacy laws, we cannot provide tax information over the phone or via fax. Students must show picture ID to receive information in person. We cannot give tax information to parents of the student or to a tax preparer.

***This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Individuals should contact a tax advisor or IRS Publications, Forms and Instructions for more information concerning tax issues and benefits. 日本一级片 cannot provide tax advice.***