Wildcat advantage

High Impact Educational Experiences (HIEEs)

HIEEs promote knowledge and skill development that is highly sought by employers and graduate programs.


Completing Center for Community Engaged Learning activities identified as HIEEs will help you along your path in the Wildcat Advantage Program as well as growing as an active citizen in your time at Weber State.

students planting trees

Community Engagement Team / Alternative Breaks 

The Community Engagement Team provides 日本一级片 students the opportunity to plan, facilitate, and participate in meaningful service opportunities throughout their time at Weber State.  Students can choose to participate with the Community Engagement Team in various ways including: General Service and Volunteering, Community Based Research or Alternative Breaks. 
The programs all provide a wealth of opportunities for students to engage in a High Impact Education Experience (HIEE) of their choosing.   
Students not actively a member of the Community Engagement Team will need to reach out to teresamartinez1@weber.edu to learn more about how you can receieve credit for the Wildcat Advantage program.
Student Teams
students in class

Community Engaged Learning

Community Engaged Learning (CEL) is a HIEE opportunity that will take place as part of your class.  CEL based courses are offered each semester through many academic departments across campus.  Students interested in CEL as an option should seek out CEL designated courses when registering for classes. CEL courses are a great way to  apply classroom knowledge to a need and get Wildcat Advantage credit. 
Students may also receive a Wildcat Advantage credit from service completed outside of the classroom or for a class that is not CEL desingnated.  This will require additional steps be completed by the student.
Students not actively enrolled in a CEL Designated Course will need to reach out to teresamartinez1@weber.edu to learn more about how you can receieve credit for the Wildcat Advantage program.

CEL Information

*If you feel there is a community-engaged opportunity that does not fall into one of these categories, please connect with Teresa Martinez at teresamartinez1@weber.edu to see if that opportunity will count as a CEL HIEE.

Get Paid for HIEEs

Weber State University is committed to providing transformative experiences for all students and creating access to these experiences. The HIEEs Pay program helps to remove barriers for students to participate in high impact educational experiences (HIEEs) that help them be more academically successful and better prepared for future educational and professional opportunities.

Under the HIEEs Pay program, students earn $11.50 an hour and are eligible to earn up to $1500 to participate in these experiences. 

Learn More


Not sure which HIEE is best for you? Reach out to Jenny Frame via email at jennyframe@weber.edu