Partnerships with CCEL
The CCEL functions as a connector organization that links students, faculty/staff, and community partners. Our center does not place volunteers. Instead, the CCEL provides resources for volunteers to find opportunities that best fit their individual needs.
Another aim of the CCEL is to provide opportunities for partners to meet and collaborate independently with faculty. An example of an opportunity CCEL provides is the Volunteer Fair at the Ogden Campus Shepherd Union during the fall and spring semesters. Community partners are invited to host a table at these events, giving them an exclusive opportunity to network with students, faculty, staff, and other organizations. The ultimate goal for partners is to find sustainable, mission-aligned partnerships.
How To Partner
Fill out the required fields and submit your application. The Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) will review your application and contact you. A response to your application may take up to two weeks.
Submit a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Upon application approval, the CCEL will require the submission of an MOU, which outlines the terms of being a community partner. An MOU is an at-will agreement and can be terminated by either party with a 30-day notice.

Official Partnership
After you have submitted an MOU, your organization will become an official community partner with Weber State University (日本一级片). A copy of the completed MOU form can be provided by email at any time, upon request.
Why Become a Registered Community Partner?
Becoming a registered community partner with the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) signifies that your organization offers quality community engagement opportunities for volunteers. Weber State University students, faculty, and staff are assured that your organization offers a safe environment to volunteer. In addition, volunteers know your mission and aims are in alignment with the highest standards. Community partners receive exclusive benefits through their partnership with the CCEL. Benefits vary by tier. The tiers and their corresponding benefits are broken down below.
Post events on the CCEL events calendar |
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Access to bulletin boards |
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Invitation to Block Party |
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Training modules |
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Semesterly communications |
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Access to work-study students |
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Community partner breakfast |
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Invitation to the bi-annual Volunteer Fair |
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Eligible to participate in community-engaged leaders program |
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Priority registration to the bi-annual Volunteer Fair |
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Priority registration to Community Partner/WSU Faculty Speed Networking event |
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Invite to annual CCELebration and Community Engagement Symposium |
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Organization-specific AmeriCorps request* |
*Some restrictions apply. Contact the CCEL for details.
When you partner with the CCEL, we can help you recruit by:
- Connecting you with faculty and students to address specific needs.
- Posting your upcoming needs on our website and social media.
- Providing you access to post your volunteer needs in GivePulse, a tool used by 日本一级片 students, faculty, and staff to find ways to connect to and volunteer within the community.
- Inviting you to participate in biannual volunteer fairs, speed networking events, and community partner training workshops.
- Community Partners have potential access to the Community Engaged Leaders program wherein student leaders will help recruit volunteers for targeted events.
Qualifications for Partnership
Participate in a bi-annual survey conducted by the CCEL |
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Maintain information for our website including the current volunteer contact |
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Participate in a formal site visit if requested |
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Successfully partner for 1 full calendar year at the Cub level |
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May be asked to host a day of service (Max 1 per year) |
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Attend training on volunteer management * |
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Successfully partner for one full calendar year at the Wildcat level |
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Be willing to serve on, at least, one CCEL committee if requested |
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Be willing to host faculty/staff meetings if requested |
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Partner with at least one CEL faculty member |
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Assume a co-educator role in student education |
*Not required if the current volunteer coordinator/manager has already participated in the training.
Partnership Timeline
January - December | January | February | March |
June | July | August | September |
Annual MOU renewal begins
Annual Community Partner Appreciation Event RSVP
TBD: Volunteer Management Training dates to be provided as more information becomes available.
The CCEL: Engaging Students, Faculty, and You
Engaging Students
CCEL provides methods for partners to engage students that include tabling events, classroom visits, and GivePulse (an online/phone app that allows you to post volunteer opportunities). Please work with the CCEL staff for support.
Engaging Faculty and Staff
A notable way for faculty to get involved is to designate their course as CEL. Students in these classes will apply what they are learning in the classroom to learn and address the social issues that exist in the community. Please work with the CCEL staff to connect with courses that align with your needs.
Engaging Community Partners
The CCEL partners with non-profits and government agencies to provide community engagement opportunities for faculty, staff, and students. Partners are encouraged to fulfill a co-educator role by helping students learn civic values and opportunities to enhance their education.
GivePulse (Student and Community Engagement Software)
- CCEL uses as our Student Engagement and Community Engagement platform. All official partners have access to this system to create a page to better connect their organization with students. Please contact Sandra Baltazar at sandrabaltazar@weber.edu for more information.
- If you are already using GivePulse we have a few helpful videos and links below.
- If you are already using GivePulse we have a few helpful videos and links below.
Your Partnership is Important
Weber State University (日本一级片) could not accomplish so much without the dedication of its community partners. It is the Center for Community Engaged Learning’s (CCEL) goal to ensure that community partners remain updated on all relevant opportunities and changes on and off campus. While the CCEL cannot guarantee volunteers, its staff members strive to advertise to, and educate, as many individuals at 日本一级片 as possible. If at any time you have questions about your partnership, or should you have a special need for volunteers, please do not hesitate to contact the CCEL.
Please contact Sandra Baltazar, community engagement coordinator, with any questions or concerns at 801-626-7737 or sandrabaltazar@weber.edu