Risk Management
By partnering with the Center for Community Engaged Learning, you understand that your organization will be working with a large and varied group of students. We hope that their community-engaged learning positively impacts their college experience just as we hope our partnership with your organization provides needed and valued resources and tools.
To ensure a healthy and productive relationship, we work with each of our partners to establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This document details the responsibilities of each party involved. We would appreciate your taking the time to consider how the current template could be improved to better serve you.
The MOU ensures that all students working with community partners sign an Informed Consent Agreement. You may read this document so you understand what our students agree to when they affiliate with CCEL (be it through a community-engaged learning course, 日本一级片 club, individual interest, etc).
If you have any questions or concerns about these documents, please feel free to contact the CCEL at 801-626-7737.