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Associate of Science in Biology

Why study biology at 日本一级片?

Biology means the study of life, — plants, animals, and microbes — biologists learn about living things. 
As an AS Biology student, you will build a sound foundation for any of the life sciences:

  • Zoology (study of animals, including humans)
  • Microbiology (study of microscopic organisms)
  • Botany (study of plants)
  • Biochemistry (study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level)

Biology AS students takes the same entry-level courses as all life science majors (BTNY 2104, MICR 2054, ZOOL 1110). Students augment this learning with math, chemistry, and physics. The Biology AS degree is the perfect degree for anyone seeking to continue their studies to the bachelor’s degree level. It is great for any student who is undecided on a major but knows that they like life science. It is also the appropriate AS degree for students interested in pre-med, pre-vet, pre-dental, pre-chiropractic or any other medical professional degree. At the end of the AS Biology program, you will be qualified for careers in medical labs, pharmaceutical labs, and genetics labs along with other similar lab technician or lab assistant jobs, and governmental or environmental laboratory “field” jobs.  

Why choose an AS in Biology instead of an AS in General Science?

The AS in Biology distinguishes you as a science student. It tells future employers that you are trained in science. This degree not only completes your general education requirements, but it also prepares you to work in a science field, or to move on to a bachelor's degree followed by a master’s degree or professional school. If you want to explore the exciting world of studying life in all of its forms, this is a degree for you. You don’t have to be good at science. Our dedicated professors are here to work with you in small classroom and laboratory settings to teach you everything you need to know.

What can you do with this degree?

Consider the advantage of having a biology degree in your job-search toolbox — your resume will rise to the top of the stack because of your credential. You will be able to consider more professional jobs than those without a degree. Your versatility in a wide range of science-based subjects will help you in any science path.
The most powerful advantage to earning an AS Biology degree is you’ll be prepared to earn your Bachelor of Science in life science (Microbiology, Biochemistry, Botany, or Zoology). The credits you earn in the AS program will count toward BOTH the associate’s and bachelor’s degree

If your plan is to go on to medical, dental, PA, or other professional schools, an AS in Biology is a great way to prepare. Not only will you meet your general education requirements, but, by the time you finish the associate’s program, you will have several pre-professional prerequisites completed (e.g. MICR 2054, CHEM 1210 and 1220, ZOOL 1110, PHYS 2010, etc.).  

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Career Information:

An associate’s degree in biology opens the doors to apply for jobs that require a biology degree from government sites such as usajobs.gov. You will be able to apply for jobs in the laboratory or in the field. Jobs in pharmaceutical, environmental or research laboratories will be available to you. You will be qualified to tutor chemistry, microbiology or zoology students at universities. This is a great way to work and learn while you pursue a bachelor’s degree.
The median annual wage for life, physical and social science occupations was $69,760 in May 2020, which was higher than the median wage for all occupations of $41,950.
The BLS lists the following career opportunities for AS Biology graduates:

  • Agricultural and food science technician
  • Environmental science and protection technician
  • Chemical technician.

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8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Mailing address

Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2501

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Tracy Hall Science Center (TY338)

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