Applications are available starting TBD. The goal is as soon as late spring early summer for 2021-22 school year. Application due date TBD. Funding is awarded on TBD.
- Your professional enhancement effort could be highlighted here.
In 2019, the College of Science released its strategic plan, “College of Science – Leading the Field.” This document outlines the college’s overall vision, strategies to achieve the vision, primary initiatives, leading-edge drivers, key partners, and resources needed to meet and exceed these goals. Throughout this new platform, the need to enhance professional experiences by increasing the resources available to both faculty and staff within the college is repeatedly emphasized. The document specifically states that we will “value & empower CoS Staff,” “focus on faculty vitality opportunities,” “support professional development,” and improve and support "comprehensive advising."
The Office of the Dean within the College of Science believes that establishing a fund with the sole purpose of supporting faculty and staff, which in turn support our students, is a critical resource needed to achieve the overall vision of providing “student-centered, comprehensive, active educational experiences that empower students to achieve their potential and ‘Lead the Field’ in meetings tomorrow’s challenges.”
The fund will be managed by the Dean of the College of Science and a committee which will include the Associate Dean of the College of Science, and a representative from each department, selected by the department chair. This selection committee will develop a formal application and selection criteria and provide a written evaluation, of each submission, to the applicant upon final selection of awarded applicants. Funds may not be awarded as a reimbursement without prior approval from the Dean. Funds from this award should also not replace or be prioritized above other available funds, internal or external, available to the awardee. Any donor may contribute to this fund.
If, as a result of changed conditions in the future, this fund cannot be used as described above, then the Dean of the College of Science, in consultation with the selection committee, may use the funds for purposes which most closely fulfill the original intent of the gifts and which honor in an appropriate way the generosity of the donors.
This gift fund has been established to support the professional enhancement needs of faculty, instructors, adjuncts, and staff within the College of Science. Uses may include but are not limited to:
Contact the development office for other contribution options and to answer your questions.
The dean's allocated money and the previous generous donations of others, including many of our own faculty and staff, will allow funding to begin in 2021.
Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2501