Emergency response policy
Policy ID Number: 601 |
As Of: April 8, 2005 |
Emergency Response
Disasters and incidents will occur on the campuses of Weber State University (日本一级片).
Facilities Management (FM) has the responsibility to maintain the campuses and assure
they are viable, from a physical plant point of view, and can satisfy the university
mission. FM, therefore, must have a plan and procedure in place to respond to a disaster,
incident, or emergency. People, materials and equipment must be brought to bear to
restore the campuses to a fully serviceable condition as quickly as possible. This policy
document outlines the FM emergency response, when it is applicable, and establishes
procedures for FM personnel to respond to help address any disaster, incident or
emergency that may befall any campus of 日本一级片.
Weber State University Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), June 2000
Campus Emergency Procedures at http://departments.weber.edu/ehs/program_areas/
Emergency Guide for Weber State at http://departments.weber.edu/ehs/program_areas/
FM Emergency Operations Plan
Non-essential faculty and staff: Those faculty and staff not essential to the recovery and
restoration of the campuses after an event.
Essential personnel: Personnel required to effect recovery and restoration of campus
functions and services. FM personnel are, by definition, essential personnel unless
specifically and personally notified otherwise.
Command Center: The FM Command Center will be the service desk in the Business
Incident Command System (ICS): A nationally standardized and recognized system of
disaster command and control. It creates an integrated organizational structure designed
to meet the complexity and demands of whatever crisis occurs. The organization and
structure of the ICS may not resemble the day-to-day organization of the University.
Employees may report to other employees to whom they do not usually have a reporting
relationship. See the University EOP.
Emergency Operations Center (EOC): The University center for command and control of
University assets during an emergency situation. The primary location for this facility is
Lampros Hall.
Incident Commander: The University President will exercise incident command unless
that function is specifically delegated to another university official. The Incident
Commander will direct the EOC, the policy and coordination groups, and the Operations,
Logistics, Planning and Finance Teams.
Emergency Assembly Area (EAA): Primary and secondary meeting points established
for each campus building. Each building has a Building Emergency Plan and the
locations of the Emergency Assembly Areas can be found in that book.
It is FM’s responsibility to maintain the campuses of 日本一级片 in a condition such that the
mission of the university can be fulfilled. In the event of a disaster, FM personnel must
respond in a timely and competent manner to restore the campuses to fully operational
capability as soon as possible. If the Incident Command System has been activated, FM
will operate under the direction of the Incident Commander. If the Incident Command
System has not been activated, FM response can be initiated and directed by the Assistant
Vice President for Facilities Management. Disasters could require the full and immediate
response from all FM personnel. General and specific responses to emergency
requirements for FM personnel are given in the procedures section of this document. In
all circumstances, FM personnel will comply with directions imposed by Public Safety
officials (police, fire, and state and federal disaster response personnel) including
compliance with curfews and access restrictions.
A. General Procedures:
a. Managers must be able to access their employees to allow them to respond
to campus emergencies and disasters. To do this, shop managers are
required to do the following and update this information by 1 July of each
year and forward a copy of the same to the FM Business Center:
i. Maintain a telephone recall roster for all employees within their
shop. The recall roster will contain the home telephone number
and any cell phone or pager numbers that may be available for
shop personnel.
ii. Maintain a ‘telephone-out’ recall system for all personnel in their
shop. This will include an address and, if necessary, a map to
locate the residence of the employee so that a runner could locate
the employee in event of a telecommunications failure.
iii. Identify and record any special skills employees have that might be
beneficial in response to an incident or emergency. This might
include, but is not limited to; CDL, heavy equipment operator,
EMT, First Aid training, CERT training, etc. Managers will also
note any restrictions employees may have that would require
iv. Provide information for an emergency procedures reference book
that will be coordinated with the university’s Emergency
Operations Plan. This information will include lists of important
contacts on and off campus, vendors and suppliers, personnel
recall and location rosters, and other information necessary for
immediate response to an incident.
b. FM employees, as essential personnel, must report as soon as possible for
their regular shift unless specifically notified otherwise by their supervisor
or manager. Closing a campus means non-essential personnel should not
report for work and non-essential functions will close. FM personnel
should come prepared to work outside their normal job description,
including outdoors and in inclement weather, if necessary to restore
campuses to operational capability. Employees on vacation are also
subject to recall depending on the severity of the disaster.
c. Managers will designate emergency assembly area for their shop. One
such area should be outside of the shop, but in the same vicinity as fire,
earthquake or other emergency may render the building uninhabitable.
Assembly areas will be communicated to all personnel upon their hire and
reviewed annually with all employees. Personnel accountability will be
maintained at the shop level and reported to the Business Center.
d. Existing cellular telephones and two-way radios will be used as the
emergency communications network for emergency and disaster response.
e. FM will maintain a storehouse of items to be used in emergencies such as
shovels, coats, gloves, boots, etc.
f. If the campus is closed and FM personnel are required to work, they will
be given compensatory time hours equal to the amount the rest of the
campus employees received during the closure.
B. Snow Storm:
a. All personnel should report to work at their normal location, prepared to
work outdoors. FM personnel may be used to augment the Landscape
Shop as necessary to open the campuses and restore normal operations. In
the event of a campus closure or other restriction, all FM personnel may
be required to assist in snow removal operations, including shoveling steps
and sidewalks as necessary.
b. The Landscape Shop Manager is designated as ‘Snow Boss’ and will
request augmentation from other shop managers, as necessary, based on
the snow conditions encountered. Snow removal operations are
considered high priority so other managers will provide augmentation as
c. After being designated as a snow removal augmentee by their manager,
employees will immediately report to the Landscape Shop break room
and will take work assignments from the Snow Boss until released from
snow duty.
C. Severe wind storm:
a. FM personnel should report to their regular shop and take direction from
their shop manager. Be prepared to work outdoors clearing debris.
b. Generally, except for the most extreme emergency, FM will wait for the
high winds to subside before initiating a full response to avoid hazards
from blowing debris.
D. Earthquake:
a. Because earthquakes occur without warning, FM personnel should take
immediate cover and stop travel or movement when an earthquake strikes.
As soon as the earthquake has ceased, employees should report to their
designated emergency assembly area to account for all personnel and to
receive work assignments related to rescue and recovery.
b. The immediate concern will be accounting for all personnel and rescue
and recovery of the injured. FM will work under the direction of the
Incident Commander as determined by the Public Safety Department for
work assignments related to this type of incident.
c. FM personnel may be called upon to isolate or shut off utilities as
necessary to prevent further damage or injury.
d. FM personnel may be called upon to do shoring or bracing to support
rescue and recovery operations.
E. Fire:
a. In event of a fire in a campus building, FM personnel should immediately
report to their designated emergency assembly area to assure
b. FM personnel may be called upon to isolate or shut off utilities as
necessary to prevent further damage or injury.
c. It is imperative to let the Fire Department do their job and to stay out of
the way of their operations. FM response will be in support of, and as
directed by, the fire incident commander.
F. Flood:
a. While the probability of an area flood is almost non-existent, the potential
for a flash flood coming from the mountains warrants preparation. In the
event of a flood, FM personnel should report to their designated
emergency assembly area to assure accountability and to receive work
b. FM personnel may be called upon to isolate or shut off utilities as
necessary to prevent further damage or injury.
c. All FM personnel may be asked to help redirect water flows by trenching,
sandbagging, or other means.
G. Extended Power Outage:
a. This emergency may make it impossible to sustain education programs on
campus. To respond, all FM personnel should report to their designated
emergency assembly area.
b. FM will maintain all emergency generators and will assure all essential
facilities remain operational using backup power to the extent it is
c. The priority work requirement will be to provide freeze protection in
winter, which may require draining down buildings or providing
emergency heat sources. A fire watch may also be required.
H. Man-made incidents:
a. Most man-made incidents will involve a bomb threat or a chemical spill.
In both situations, remain clear of, or evacuate the affected area.
Employees should report to their designated emergency assembly area,
and take direction from their manager.
b. FM will support the incident commander and will curtail all operations in
the area of the incident.