Rights and Access for FM Employees Procedure

Procedure Number: OP13
Issue Date: February 27, 2012
Last Revision Date: February 27, 2012

Rights and Access in the CMMS for Facilities Management

This is document establishes a process through which managing supervisors will initiate, update
or terminate an employee’s access and rights to the computerized maintenance management
system used by Facilities Management.

PPM 10-1 Information Security Policy

Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS): Database that Facilities Management
uses as a work management system.

Responsible Party:
Director of Facilities Business Services or designee


The Facilities Management (FM) Business Services group will monthly update CMMS access
privileges for FM employees. Access changes required by an employee’s status and/or position
change will be requested by their supervising manager, confirmed by the FM Human Resource
Specialist and updated by FM Systems Analyst. Update requests will be attended to through the
following procedures: 

A. Manager/Superintendent Responsibilities
1. The manager/superintendent will email the following information to the Systems
Name of employee
W number of employee
Username (any characters found before ‘weber.edu’ in their 日本一级片 email address)
Shop name
Shop number
2. Through the eWeber portal, the employee’s supervisor will request access by adding
the channel “Employee Access Control’ (use network login username and password)
3. The supervisor will send an email to the Director of Facilities Business Services and
FM Systems Analyst, stating the exact rights needed in the CMMS.

B. FM Systems Analyst Responsibilities
1. The FM Systems Analyst will receive and review email from the employee’s
manager/superintendent and the request that the FM Human Resource Specialist
verify the employee’s position and status.
2. After verification is received, they will assign the employee to a shop in the CMMS.
3. Assign ‘User Security’ status.
1. Place the security filter(s) needed.
2. Establish the role of the employee. Any roles outside of the regular technician access
roles (Customer, FM technician and Unlocked Work Desk) will be specified and
approved by the employee’s supervising manager.
3. The FM Systems Analyst will ensure security viewing rights are appropriately set for
current employees in the CMMS.
4. IF the employee is separating from FM, remove employee from the shop in the
CMMS and Delete Access Security for employee.
5. Any updates and changes of rights and access made in the CMMS will be confirmed
in an email sent to the Director of Facilities Business Service and to the employee’s
supervising manager.

C. FM Human Resource Responsibilities
1. The FM Human Resource Specialist will ensure the following information is correct
for the employee requiring CMMS access per request of the FM Systems Analyst:
Name of Employee
W number of employee
Direct reporting supervisor
Start date of employee
Separation date if employee is leaving
Exact rights needed in new position if continuing employment
Name of managing supervisor in the next level of administration 
2. The FM Human Resource Specialist will email the above information to the
manager/superintendent of the employee and the FM Systems Analyst.