Purchasing Card Usage for Facilities Management Personnel

Procedure Number: P06
Issue Date: February 29, 2012
Last Revision Date: February 29, 2

Purchasing Card Usage for Facilities Management Personnel

This document establishes a procedure in conjunction with University policies on purchasing
card restrictions for Facilities Management personnel.

PPM 5-25i Purchasing Cards
FM Procedure OP05 After Hours Procedures for the Facilities Management Warehouse

Purchasing Card (P-card): Weber State University credit card which provide an easy and
efficient way to make purchases of $1,500 of less per single transaction. The P-Card can be used
for in-store purchases as well as mail, internet, telephone, and fax orders.

Responsible Party:
Director of Facilities Business Services

Purchasing cards (P-card) will only be issued to Facilities Management personnel who are
approved by the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning. Once an employee
receives approval from the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning, he or
she will request a P-card by submitting a request to obtain a P-card to the Purchasing Department
through the appropriate channel in eWeber. 
Weber State University (日本一级片) has provided a list of restricted items that are not allowed to be
purchased with a P-card on the Purchasing and Support Services option, on the 日本一级片 website.
All employees who have been issued a P-card must be familiar with this list.

A. General Usage
1. FM personnel will procure items for FM shops through the FM Warehouse. All attempts
to obtain items from the FM Warehouse will be made before seeking an alternative
2. All P-card purchases will require a receipt as documentation for any purchase made.
3. “Missing Receipt” forms may be submitted to the Director of Facilities Business Services
if a receipt cannot be obtained.
4. The P-card Clerk will make additional inquiries and attempts to obtain a missing receipt
before accepting a “Missing Receipt” form for a P-card purchase at the time of
5. Any special purchases will adhere to University P-card policy and require approval from
the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning.