Time Management Use for FM
Procedure Number: P05 |
Issue Date: February 29, 2012 |
Last Revision Date: February 27, 20 |
Time Tracking Management Procedures for Facilities Management
This document provides a procedure for personnel in Facilities Management using University
time management systems.
日本一级片 TAS Time Keeper’s Manual
日本一级片 Supervisor/Approver Manual for using Time Entry Approval
FM Procedure P04 Overtime Approval and Override for Facilities Management Employees
Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS): Database that Facilities Management
uses as a work management system.
Time Keeping Location (TKL): An area of personnel time entries within the campus Time and
Attendance System (TAS) for which a supervisor is responsible for overseeing.
Time and Attendance System (TAS): Time and attendance tracking system used by Weber State
University hourly employees.
Timecard: Time worked by hourly employees recorded time in TAS. Also, time worked for both
hourly and salary employees recorded in the CMMS.
Time Entry Approval System: Computerized system used by the University to approve time
worked by non-exempt, classified employees.
Timekeeper: The individual responsible for monitoring and/or editing TAS entries by University
Responsible Party:
Director of Facilities Business Services or designee
All FM employees will be trained on entering their time into a time keeping system, as defined
below. The training will be given when the employee is newly hired or when the employee
requires updated training. The Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning will
have authority to access and review all time documented in the University time keeping systems.
The following procedures will be used as they pertain to shops and individuals within FM:
A. Hourly Employee Responsibilities
1. University phones or computers will be used to access TAS for hourly employees.
Supervisors may create a list of telephone extensions that they consider acceptable for
TAS use. Supervisors may also dictate whether or not they will allow computer
access to TAS.
2. For phone use, dial extension 8880 and follow the prompts.
3. For computer use, utilize the TAS Time Clock Channel in eWeber.
4. Employees in Facilities Management will not use a cell phone for TAS unless they
have prior written permission from their supervisor.
B. Custodial Supervisor Responsibilities
1. Custodial supervisors will access classified employees’ leave records through Leave
Tracker in the eWeber portal.
a. Cluster Supervisors will have “view only” access
b. Area Supervisors will have primary “edit” responsibility
c. Custodial Manager will have primary “approval” responsibility for leave
d. The Director of Facilities Business Services or designee will have back-up “edit”
and “approval” authority.
2. Custodial Area Supervisors are Primary Editors for hourly employee timecards in
TAS. Each custodial cluster has a separate time keeping location (TKL) for TAS in
which access levels are as defined below:
a. Cluster Supervisors will have “view only” access
b. Area Supervisors will have primary “edit” responsibility
c. Custodial Manager will have primary “verify” responsibility for TKL’s
d. The Director of Facilities Business Services or designee will have back-up “edit”
and “verify” authority.
If the cluster supervisor determines that an edit needs to be made, he or she will
notify the appropriate Custodial Area Supervisor who will edit any errors on the
employee’s timecard in TAS. Documentation of edit requests must be kept on file.
The Custodial Area Supervisors will notify the Custodial Department Manager that
they have reviewed and/or edited their area employees’ timecards and that payroll is
ready to be verified for the pay period. Generally, time is approved every other
Monday, unless that Monday is a holiday. The Custodial Department Manager will
electronically verify all TKL’s.
C. Manager/Superintendent Responsibilities in Shops other than Custodial
1. Shop managers/superintendents will work with the Director of Facilities Business
Services to complete all the necessary requirements to obtain privileges for the
following roles in their respective areas:
a. Edit for TAS
b. Verify for TAS
c. Edit for Leave Tracker
d. Approve Leave Tracker
e. Verify for FLSA for time worked
f. The Director of Facilities Business Services or designee will be the back-up for
all roles
D. TAS Time Card Edit Requests
If a time card edit in TAS is required, the employee is responsible for reporting the edit to
their direct supervisor within one business day. Timecard edits must be requested in
writing via one of the following two methods:
1. “Time Card Edit” form
a. The employee will obtain the form from their supervisor
b. The employee will fill the form out completely
c. The employee will then deliver the form to their supervisor for timecard edit
2. Email
Email may be preferred to paper forms by the supervisor, in which case the employee
will include the following information in the email to their supervisor with a courtesy
copy to Director of Facilities Business Services:
Full name
W Number
Date of edit
Exact time in and Out
Manager/Supervisor name
Reason for edit
3. The manager/supervisor will edit the timecard if they are the Primary Editor. If they
have “view only” privileges they will send an email to the Primary Editor and
courtesy copy the Director of Facilities Business Services with the information listed
in item D, number 2.
4. The Primary Editor will access the employee’s timecard and enter the exact time as
reported by the employee. If the employee does not remember the exact time they
may round time to the nearest quarter hour. Rounding must be within 6 minutes of the
time punch (e.g. “Clock in time was about 12:27 PM” could be rounded to 12:30 PM
but, not 12:15 PM).
5. Copies of Time Card Edit Forms or emails requesting edits must be kept on file.
E. Salaried Employee Responsibilities
Leave requires two entries, in two different systems. It is very important that the time off
be entered in Leave Tracker before it is entered in the CMMS.
1. All salaried employees must enter their time off into the Leave Tracker system prior
to entering their time in the CMMS. This entry will be done on a per day basis (e.g. If
the employee takes a half-day, they will enter in Leave Tracker that they are not
working four hours on that work day and then record the four hours they did work in
the CMMS).
2. Salaried employees will enter time worked daily in the CMMS.
3. Compensatory Time Entry:
a. Compensatory time is earned by time worked over the regular 40 hours in a work
week. This time must be pre-approved by the employee’s supervisor and will
automatically convert to compensatory time when it is entered in the CMMS and
fed to the Time Worked System.
b. Compensatory time may be used by the employee as they arrange with their
supervisor to use it. FM encourages employees to use compensatory time as soon
as possible, which is consistent with University policy.
c. Compensatory time will be reviewed by the Time Keeper in Time Entry Approval
for the area (usually the manager or superintendent).
4. Overtime Pay
a. Overtime pay must be approved by the Associate Vice President for Facilities and
Campus Planning before work is done.
b. Any approved overtime will be correctly allocated in FLSA Time Worked
c. The Director of Facilities Business Services must be notified via email about any
employee who has received written approval from the Associate Vice President
for Facilities and Campus Planning so the hours can be converted from
compensatory time to paid time.
5. Worker’s Compensation Leave Entry:
a. Worker’s Compensation time will be entered into the Leave Tracker per payroll
instructions (http://departments.weber.edu/owl/Guides.htm), and into the CMMS.
b. Do not record any time in Leave Tracker on the day of the injury.
c. Leave time will also be recorded on timecards. In the CMMS, record Worker’s
Compensation time on the timecard as “Leave” using WCMP or WCM3 leave