Daily Cash Reporting Procedure


Procedure Number: OP01
Issue Date: November 11, 2011
Last Revision Date: November 11, 2011

This document provides a procedure for reporting all forms of payment received at the Weber
State University Facilities Management Business Office.


PPM 10-4 Payment Card Handling Policy
PPM 5-11a Change Funds

Daily Cash Report: The form on which monies accepted in the Facilities Management Business
Office are to be recorded before deposit to the University Cashier’s Office
Change Fund: A designated amount of monies, authorized by the University controller to be used
for receipting monies, cashing checks and making change.
Monies: Forms of payment including cash, checks and credit/debit card payments.
Responsible Party:
Director of Facilities Business Services or designee

The Facilities Management Business Office (FM Business Office) will accurately report, track
and deposit monies of any form received at the FM Business Office. Facilities Management will
comply with University cash, credit/debit card and check handling standards. 
Cash Handling Training must be completed annually by all persons who handle cash, checks or
credit/debit cards at Facilities Management. Cash Handling Training can be found on the Internal
Audit Department webpage.
Monies will be deposited at the University Cashier’s Office within one business day. After
deposits are made, record receipt numbers in a log book maintained for that purpose at the FM
Business Office.
For security and accountability purposes, two (2) people will transport and deposit monies at the
University Cashier’s Office.
In accordance with University policy, the duties of securing, balancing, depositing and
reconciling cash will be segregated. FM Business Office personnel who have completed the Cash
Handling Training will handle the Daily Cash Reports according to the following procedures:

A. Recording and Depositing Payment
1. Accept the payment at the FM Business Office front desk and write a receipt for all
cash/checks received, give the original to the customer and keep the copy in the
booklet for reporting on the Daily Cash Report.
2. Record any monies received for key related items on the customer’s Key Request and
attach to key record.
a. For cash, card or check payments for keys, stamp the Key Record and record the
type of payment (cash, check, card, or cashier’s office receipt) and the amount.
b. If a cost code is used for key deposits, record the cost code, date and amount of
deposit directly on the key record.
3. An individual other than the money collector will obtain a “Facilities Management
Daily Cash Report Form” and continue the process.
4. Label the items in the “Description” box (e.g. key deposit, recycling etc.). Separate
transactions are recorded in separate boxes (e.g. key deposits for individuals listed in
separate boxes with W numbers).
5. Fill in the detail code and/or index and account.
6. Add the totals together.
7. Divide the checks and currency in the lower boxes (See Section B for check
8. Write the date on the provided line.
9. Write the number of the cash report according to the next number in the sequence
(001, 002, 003 etc. to track how many have been deposited that fiscal year).
10. Write the range of receipts used from the receipt book.
11. Enter in all information in the “Checks Log.”
12. Sign the form as the preparer.
13. An individual other than the preparer will review the form and monies received
before depositing monies at the cashier’s office. The individual will sign when the
review is complete. 
14. An individual other than the reviewer/approver will deposit the monies at the
University Cashier’s Office on the same day it was received. Two (2) persons must
always transport the monies to the University Cashier’s Office.
15. Retain a copy of the Daily Cash Report at the FM Business Office. Deposits will be
reconciled on a monthly basis by the Director of Facilities Business Services or their
If the deposit is over or short, document the amount of the deposit and the discrepancy and
deposit the monies regardless. Facilities Management will be contacted by Accounting Services
if there is an overly large discrepancy.

B. Check Payments
When receiving checks, FM Business Office personnel will complete the following steps:
1. Stamp checks immediately after receiving them from the customer with the “日本一级片
deposit only” stamp.
2. Write the customer’s W number on the front of the check.
3. Completely fill out the “Checks Received” log.
4. Only use the check log for check reporting, not currency reporting.
5. Deposit the checks with the “Checks Received” log at the University Cashier’s Office
the same day they are received.

C. Credit/Debit Card Payments
1. Never record a customer’s card number or card information.
2. The FM Business Office employee will connect the customer with the University
Cashier’s Office via telephone to make any payments AND request the receipt from
the transaction to be sent to Mail Code 2601.
3. Transaction numbers may be recorded in order to obtain receipts at a later time.
4. Any receipts received will be filed with appropriate paperwork or directed to the
correct area of FM.