- Academic Resources and Computing (ARCC)
Committee Purpose
The Committee on Academic Resources and Computing shall recommend policies and operational procedures on the acquisition and utilization of computers and academic resource material.
ARCC Webpage
- Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs (ASSA)
- Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure (APAFT)
Committee Purpose
The Committee on Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure shall formulate policies and operational procedures on these matters and on due process and merit.
Faculty Senate PPM Constitution & Bylaws
College Tenure documents
- Assessment
Committee Purpose
The Assessment Committee shall review current assessment practices and templates using peer-reviewed assessment literature as guidance. The committee shall assume responsibility for the peer- review and feedback of biennial assessment reports and shall identify needed training in support of assessment practices in Academic Affairs.
Committee Members - (see PDF link at top of page)
- Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization (CRAO)
Committee Purpose
The Committee on Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization shall review, update and preserve the integrity of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Weber State University faculty government. This Committee shall study ratios of college representation on the Senate and recommend procedures for electing its members. The Committee shall also be responsible for recommending policies on the organization and operational procedures of the University.
Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws - PPM 1-13
23-24 Apportionment
- Environmental Initiatives Committee (EIC)
Committee Purpose
The Environmental Initiatives Committee, working in conjunction with the Sustainability Practices and Research Center (SPARC), facilitates the integration of environmental and sustainability initiatives into Academic Affairs, Student Access & Success, and Facilities Management. This committee also supports SPARC in its activities and role as a local and statewide resource for scientifically-based information and for leadership in addressing sustainability challenges. The committee serves as both advisory board to SPARC and a rotating working group of faculty from across the colleges, which studies, evaluates and makes recommendations for sustainability-supportive policy affecting the campus community. The committee shall be led by Co-Chairs: one faculty member from the EIC and the other the Director of the SPARC, or the Director’s designee.
EIC Webpage
- Faculty Board of Review (FBR)
Committee Purpose
The Faculty Board of Review shall principally be concerned with, but not limited to, retention of tenured faculty, cases of academic due process with regard to granting of tenure/promotion, salary, work conditions and other pertinent matters of faculty concern.
Committee Membership - see link at top of page
- Faculty Senate Fairness, Success and Community
Committee Purpose
The Faculty committee on Fairness, Success and Community shall provide advice, support and recommended charges to the Faculty Senate consistent with the University’s Mission and best practices.
The name and description of this committee is subject to the committee's review and the Faculty Senate ratification.
- General Education Improvement and Assessment (GEIAC)
Committee Purpose
The General Education Committee shall articulate the mission and goals for the General Education program and University core requirements and review these on a regular basis. The General Education Committee shall define the standards for the General Education program and oversee the assessment of the General Education program and University core requirements.
General Education Webpage
- Honorary Degrees (HD)
- Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth (RSPG)
Committee Purpose
The Committee on Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth shall recommend policies on research, scholarship, teaching loads, instructional and faculty development and faculty productivity. It shall facilitate faculty in obtaining grants, travel funds, physical facilities, etc., to pursue research and scholarly activities.
RSPG Webpage
- Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning (SBBFP)
Committee Purpose
The Committee on Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal planning shall study, evaluate and make recommendations on faculty salaries, benefits, budgets and fiscal planning issues.
Performance Compensation Plan Forms
- Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC)
Committee Purpose
The Committee on Teaching and Learning endeavors to enhance the learning environment at Weber State University. When the opportunity and need arise, and as charged by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, the committee studies, evaluates, and makes recommendations on issues affecting the teaching environment at Weber State University. This committee also supports the Teaching and Learning Forum (TLF) in its mission to provide faculty development opportunities to enhance the teaching and learning environment at the University.
TLF Webpage
- University Curriculum Committee (UCC)
Committee Purpose
The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) shall study and evaluate the curriculum needs of the University by reviewing program, certificate, and course proposals (including courses proposed to fulfill specific General Education designations as defined in the UCC manual), which have been approved by college curriculum committees or programs that report directly to the Office of Academic Affairs.
UCC Webpage
Faculty Senate Committees
Download PDF of all 24-25 Committees and members
Download PDF of all 23-24 Committees and members
Faculty Senate Standing Committees 23-24
- Academic Resources and Computing (ARCC)
- Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs (ASSA)
- Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure (APAFT)
- Assessment
- Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization (CRAO)
- Environmental Initiatives Committee (EIC)
- Faculty Board of Review (FBR)
- Faculty Senate Fairness, Success and Community
- General Education Improvement and Assessment (GEIAC)
- Honorary Degrees (HD)
- Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth (RSPG)
- Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning (SBBFP)
- Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC)
- University Curriculum Committee (UCC)