Parking Enforcement and Violations
In accordance with the delegation of authority granted to the governing authority of Weber State University, contained in Section 53B-3-103, Utah State Code Annotated, parking and traffic rules and regulations are adopted. All staff, students, and visitors operating vehicles on campus are required to comply with the 日本一级片 Parking Rules and Regulations. The purpose of the rules and regulations is to provide an orderly method for the formulation, adoption and enforcement of parking and traffic regulations on Weber State University campuses, and to provide a fair method for their enforcement. A motor vehicle found in violation of the rules and regulations is presumed to have been parked by the registered owner, or the person who registered the vehicle with Parking Services. Penalties arising from vehicles found in violation are the responsibility of the registered owner.
Parking Enforcement
Permits are required Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meter areas are enforced from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Be sure to park so that the license plate is visible from the travel lane. During campus breaks and in between semesters the "W" lots do not require a permit to park. The "A" lots are enforced year round.
The following areas are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Red Curbs | Roadways |
Driveways | Sidewalks |
Lawns | Fire Lanes |
Disability Spaces | Reserved Areas |
Parking Rules and Regulations
The parking rules and regulations provide an orderly method for the formulation, adoption and enforcement of parking and traffic regulations on Weber State University campuses, and to provide an equitable method of their enforcement.
Parking Appeals
If you feel that you have received a violation in error you may appeal the validity of the citation. Appeals must be filed within 10 days from the date the citation was issued. Appeals will not be filed after the 10 day deadline.
An appeal can be filed online or by scanning the QR code on the ticket.
Once the appeal is received it will be forwarded to the Appeals Officer for his or her ruling. The system will not allow appeals on citations that are not recognized or loaded to the Parking Services system. Our citations are uploaded within minutes of being issued. Payments made for citations that are under appeal forfeit the appeal and any pending decision. If under appeal, please do not pay for citations until you receive information regarding the Appeals Officer ruling. Anyone that is not satisfied with the initial appeal decision, may provide a second appeal that is reviewed and adjudicated by the University Parking Committee comprised of faculty, staff and student representation. Email if you wish to enter a secondary appeal.
If a guest or visitor receives a citation and wishes to appeal it, the same appeals process is available. Departments may submit appeals for guests and visitors.
Vehicles having five or more outstanding tickets will be immobilized or impounded if parked on campus, including the pay parking lot and the Dee Events Center.
Immobilization or impoundment costs are the obligation of the registered owner or driver of the vehicle. If the vehicle is immobilized for outstanding fines, the total amount owed on the account must be paid to have the vehicle released.
- Vehicles parked in such a manner that constitutes a hazard or impedes other vehicles or pedestrians will be issued a state citation and will be impounded.
- Booted vehicles are subject to impoundment if the amount owed on the account is not paid.
- Vehicles parking in reserved parking stalls are subject to impoundment.
Parking Violations and Penalties
A motor vehicle found in violation of the rules and regulations is presumed to have been parked the registered owner, or the person who registered the vehicle with Parking Services. Penalties arising from vehicles found in violation are the responsibility of the registered owner and/or the person who accepts responsibility when registering said vehicle.
Online Payment
You can now pay your parking violations online; You will need your citation number and license plate number to access this .
Unpaid Violations
If you fail to pay or appeal a citations, one or more of the following actions will result:
- Campus parking privileges may be denied
- Holds will be placed on registration materials and transcripts
- With the accumulation of five or more unsettled citations, vehicle will be subjected to immobilization or impoundment
Violations | Paid Within 10 Days | Paid After 10 Days |
Meter Violation | $10 | $15 |
Parking Out of Stall | $20 | $25 |
Parking a motorcycle in a parking stall | $20 | $25 |
Using more than one parking stall | $20 | $25 |
Parking in or impeding a crosswalk | $20 | $25 |
Plate not visible from travel lane | $20 | $25 |
Parking in a tow-away zone | $20 | $25 |
Parking in a disability stall | $55 | $60 |
Parking in the wrong lot | $20 | $25 |
Parking in a construction area without a permit | $20 | $25 |
Blocking a parked vehicle in | $20 | $25 |
Parking in a loading zone | $20 | $25 |
Parking in the roadway | $20 | $25 |
Using a citation to park | $15 | $20 |
Immobilization fee | $50 | $55 |
Plate not active on permit | $20 | $25 |
Parking in a no parking or restricted area | $30 | $35 |
Parking in a reserved stall | $30 + boot fee | |
Parking in a red zone | $30 | $35 |
Parking in a fire lane | $30 | $35 |
Fraudulent use of virutal permit/improper registration | $105 | $110 |
Parking in a special permit area/ stall | $30 | $35 |
Improper parking in EV station/Exceed Time in EV Station | $20 | $25 |