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BIS Departmental Honors



To earn Departmental Honors in the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies program, a student must:

  1. Declare a Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree.
  2. Complete all BIS Degree requirements.
  3. Earn an institutional or overall GPA of 3.5.
  4. Earn an “A” or "A-" in BIS 4800, the BIS Capstone project.
  5. Do one of the following:
  • Participate in a minimum of 3 Honors Events or an Honors course (1-3 credits). A list of courses can be found on the Honors website (weber.edu/honors/courses). For Honors Events, provide the Departmental Honors Advisor with a list of the titles and dates of the events that you attended. Documentation of Honors courses taken will appear in your Cattracks.
  • Complete documented community service hours using the Center for Community Engaged Learning tracking system. Provide the Departmental Honors Advisor with a link to your documentation in the CCEL tracking system or a list of services performed that includes (a) a description of the services provided; (b) dates of the service; and (c) the number of hours clocked for each service activity. The minimum requirement is 20 service hours. Hours must be completed one semester before graduation.)
  • Present a scholarly paper in a public forum such as 日本一级片 Undergraduate Research Conference or Symposium. Provide the Departmental Honors Advisor with an email attachment of pages from the conference program that identifies (a) the title, date, and location of the conference and (b) your paper presentation as a part of the conference program.

How to Apply

Students must apply to be awarded departmental honors and be cleared by both the BIS Program and the Honors Program.

To apply, please go to the Departmental Honors page on the Honors website found here 
The instructions and contact information is provided there. Students must apply for BIS Departmental Honors at least one semester prior to their graduation semester.

To complete your enrollment, you must visit the Honors Center within two weeks of enrolling. Here, you will receive the Welcome Packet and Honors swag. 

Students who have not completed their General Education requirements are encouraged to take Honors General Education classes.


The following recognitions will be included for those who qualify and complete all BIS Departmental Honors requirements:

  • “BIS Program Honors” designation on the transcript.
  • “BIS Program Honors” printed on the degree diploma.
  • A personalized letter signed by the President of Weber State University and the Honors Director.
  • Invitations to Honors educational and social events.
  • Invitation to Honors Nye-Cortez banquet at the end of the academic year.

For more information contact: Audra Turner at 801-626-6230 or audraturner@weber.edu