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Student Requirements


Grade Requirements

  • Students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and must maintain a minimum grade of 2.0 in each course taken for the three areas of emphasis.
  • Classes listed on the BIS contract must be taken for a letter grade—special exams, CLEP, or credit/no credit is not allowed for contract courses.
  • Classes that have been taken to fulfill general education requirements cannot be used again as part of the BIS contract.

BIS Credit Hour Requirements

BIS students will complete a minimum of 60 credit hours, most of which will be upper division credit. A minimum of 18 credit hours are required in each of the three academic emphases—totaling 54 credit hours. In addition to these 54 credits, BIS students are required to take BIS 2800 (1) which is our Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies that is taught face-to-face only for spring and fall semesters. BIS 3800 (2) which is an introduction to the capstone process that is taught online during fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students engaged in writing their capstones must enroll in BIS 4800 (3) as they work on their projects. This is not an actual course but credit for your project, however, there will be benchmark assignments throughout the semester. BIS 4800 is offered online Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters. 

University Credit Hour Requirements

All Weber State graduation requirements must be met including: (a) general education, 120 total credit hours, and 40 hours of upper-division credits. Please consult the Weber State Catalog for all current requirements.