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United Nations Conference

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the central global intergovernmental organization devoted to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. CSW is central in fostering conversations on women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Every year in March, the CSW meets together for a two week period at the UN headquarters in New York City giving students the opportunity to personally experience and interact with international leaders focusing on work for women and girls on a global platform.

Objectives of student attendance

Get an insider’s look at the United Nations to see how policy is developed. Learn about the Commission on the Status of Women - how it works, and how it is grappling with the major issues that affect our world, especially in relation to women and girls.

Analyze and discuss current issues in the areas of peace and security, development, international aid, and human rights with UN experts. See how the UN Women system addresses these topics.

The focuses of these conferences will include:

  • Increasing women’s participation in public life
  • Eliminating violence
  • Linking women’s empowerment to sustainable development
  • Gender inequality and climate change
  • Innovation and technology

Weber State Information

Each spring, courses are offered, which give students the opportunity to attend various United Nations sessions. During this trip and subsequent discussions, students will examine the inter-networking of global governance and processes, policy generation, and implementation for sustainable change. In addition, they will gain direct experiences on the international grounds of the United Nations. Through their attendance at predetermined and spontaneous panel events, students will gain insider perspectives and have direct contact with policy makers and global professionals. Students will also experience New York City, tours, and other guided activities to connect and unpack global issues addressed by the UN and the Commission on the Status of Women.

Reasons to participate in the event:

  • With this hands-on experience, students will interact with global leaders to build relationships and become better versed in academic discourse with these real world issues.
  • Participation in these types of activities strengthens resumes and makes students more marketable for future employers.
  • Students will learn how to make positive changes in their communities from real, international examples.

Practical Information

  • 1 - 3 credits depending on year and courses selected.
  • Can be used as an elective course in Political Science, Women and Gender Studies, International Studies, or in the Masters of Education.
  • Participation in this event requires instructor approval and registration with the United Nations. Preference will be given to students taking the spring classes of WGS/POLS 4xxx Gender, Power, and Global Politics or POLS 3150 - Model United Nations.
  • Weber State students are generously sponsored by The .

Contact Information

Stephanie Speicher

Teacher Education
Women and Gender Studies


Stephanie Wolfe

Political Science
Women and Gender Studies
