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Foreign Language Majors

Majoring in a foreign language? Here are some ways to combine your major with an international studies minor.

Further your language and cultural skills by gaining knowledge of global issues from a variety of interdisciplinary classes and faculty. This useful combination is designed to create well-informed, multilingual citizens for our increasingly globalized world.

Program Information

Complete Both Degrees Locally

  • Declare your Foreign Language Major (Spanish, French, or German) and your International Studies Minor
  • For International Studies, you can complete your 6 credits through a combination of the following:

    • Additional foreign language courses (3000 level or above).
    • Complete an internship located locally or abroad
    • Complete a study abroad program
    • Participate in Model United Nations

Complete International Studies Minor Abroad

  1. Declare your Foreign Language Major in Spanish or French. (German is not currently available for the full abroad component; however, some courses could be completed. Please see an adviser.
  2. Declare your International Studies Minor and choose from our Spanish and French speaking partners
  3. You can then complete your minor in one or two semesters abroad. Please take at least 1010 and 1020 of your respective language courses before departure.
  4. Take POLS 2100: Introduction to International Politics at Weber State.This course is offered every semester either online or in-person.
  5. Transfer courses back to Weber State.
  6. Complete major when returned to 日本一级片.

Complete Minor Either Locally or Abroad

  • Complete a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) either locally or abroad in Spanish, French, German, or Japanese.

  • Take a combination of 3 minors, such as:

    • Japanese, Asian Studies, and International Studies
    • Spanish, Latin American Studies, and International Studies
    • French/German, European Studies, and International Studies
    • Linguistics, Localization, and International Studies