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Current Threats



** Phishing Email Scam 09/27/2022 **


Weber staff & faculty have begun receiving an email (see below) claiming to be from Jessica Gunckel at Ignacio Schools, includes an attachment named ADMIN.pdf and states that Brad Mortensen requests that you view the file - DON'T! Delete this email immediately if you receive it!


** Debt Forgiveness Scam 09/14/2022 **


Weber students have begun to receive voicemail messages from people claiming to be from the U.S. Government’s student debt forgiveness program. Please do not respond to these messages. As of today’s date (09/14/2022) the details of the Biden administration’s student debt relief program have not been released.

It is highly likely that in the near future there will be further attempts by email, voice or text to scam students out of personal information or money claiming to be related to the student debt forgiveness program. For the most accurate information on the student debt forgiveness program please visit https://studentaid.gov/debt-relief-announcement/.

** SMS Phishing Scam 09/09/2022 **

The Information Security office has just been alerted to a SMS phishing campaign that looks like the following...

Do not click on the link. Delete the message.

If you have clicked on the link and entered your credentials then immediately change your password. Contact the service desk if you need help.

Listed below are examples of the types of malicious cyber activity currently being seen around the world. As you know attackers take advantage of any major news or escalated event to craft malicious emails or websites.  Also, if you are working remotely ensure you follow cyber safety best practices and use security safeguards to minimize the cyber risk to our organization (e.g. VPN, Antimalware, Firewall settings, etc.).  Attackers will specifically target remote workers as a way to gain access and cause harm to our organization.

If you receive a phishing or suspicious email you can forward that message to security@weber.edu along with the suspect message header.  This provides you steps on capturing the message header of a suspected email.

If you need assistance you can contact Service Desk at 801-626-7777 or our ISO office at 801-626-6982.  

Current Malicious Activity