If you can avoid doing things like online banking or shopping you should. Unless you are on a secure Wi-Fi your account numbers, credit cards or login information could be at stake! If you can’t avoid it ensure you are using the 日本一级片 Virtual Private Network (VPN) to secure your connection. Please review the mobile security guide.
Wi-Fi Security
Be Cautious of Public Wi-Fi
When using a public Wi-Fi, ensure you connect to a genuine access point and be cautious about what sites you are accessing. Utilize the Weber State University Virtual Private Network (VPN) when at locations with public Wi-Fi. This will provide you a secure connection to the 日本一级片 network to conduct your Internet traffic through.
Tips & Tricks While Using Public Wi-Fi
Banking Online
Two-Factor Authentication
We encourage you to use two-factor authentication for any services that offer it. If you are an employee of 日本一级片 you have access to Duo for your work accounts, but Duo can also be used for your personal accounts. Services such as offer two-factor authentication for your personal accounts. Check with other accounts you may have such as your bank to see if they provide two-factor authentication.
Antivirus and Firewall
Have Antivirus and Firewall installed on your mobile devices. Check your mobile device, it may have these applications installed already. If you are not sure, go to your dealer and discuss security measures with them. There are sites you can visit to learn more about this, but some of the top mobile security applications have been reviewed by PC magazines so go visit Norton, AVG, McAfee, and others for more information. Also, if you have Comcast cable they may provide free antivirus software you can download for your devices. With mobile malware on the rise security software is no longer optional. Research and install the right App for your needs.
Disable Insecure Features
Turn off File Sharing, Network Discovery, and Public Folder Sharing, in case they aren’t already off. Usually, by simply choosing that you are connecting to a Public network, these options are automatically turned off but you can check your settings in your Windows Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Advanced Sharing Settings > Public
. Public wireless networks are not subject to high levels of security and they are favorite places for hackers and malicious software.
Browsing Habits
When browsing or entering information on sensitive sites, do your best to visit websites that start with “https”. Check your URL to make sure the secure site is being used especially if you are entering personal information. Secure your browser before you go online.
Stay Up-To-Date
Always keep your operating system up-to-date with the latest security updates and patches available. Patch everything.
Public Wi-Fi alternatives
Regular travelers often find themselves at coffee shops surfing the internet, we recommend a personal Wi-Fi hotspot. A personal portable router not only transforms a public Wi-Fi into your own personal Wi-Fi hotspot, but you add the bonus of setting up WPA encryption just as you would any other router.
Why would you want your own router in a local coffee shop? Two Words: firewall features! With a firewall, you do not have to worry as much about your information being compromised while browsing the internet. If you are a frequent traveler, this may be a good investment. There are several personal routers you can buy. You will need to do some research with your mobile service provider and see what your device can handle.