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Software Agreements

Click -Through, aka Shrink Wrap, Agreements are End User License Agreements (EULA) that cover how the software you are using are to be handled. These agreements are legally binding so it is necessary that you have read and understood the content in the agreement. It is important that you read the agreements before you install the software or app as they may put your privacy or computer security at risk.

How to Protect Yourself


  • Read the content before you install the software.
  • Once you've read the agreement, if you disagree with the content, do not install the software.
  • Watch out for terms and conditions that can affect your privacy and online security, such as allowing the software company or third parties to:
    • Monitor your internet activity,
    • Collect your personal information,
    • Use your computing resources.

Training Materials

Training Video

Published on Oct 17, 2016, this talks about different terms and conditions we sign up for when we download and play mobile apps.

Software Agreements Poster

This is a that was circulated to raise awareness of software agreements.


  • (this one has a good set of tips)