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Careers in Mathematics

All industries need those who can use the power of math and probability theory to answer questions & solve problems that can directly affect our world the people within it. 

Mathematics Jobs are in Many Industries

Statisticians use the power of math and probability theory to answer questions that affect the lives of millions of people. They tell educators which teaching method works best, tell policy-makers what levels of pesticides are acceptable in fresh fruit, tell doctors which treatment works best, tell builders which type of paint is the most durable. They are employed in virtually every type of industry imaginable, from engineering, manufacturing, and medicine to animal science, food production, transportation, and education.

Applied mathematicians use theories and techniques, such as mathematical modeling, to solve practical problems. For example, they may analyze the effectiveness of new drugs or the aerodynamic characteristics of new automobiles.  

Theoretical mathematicians identify unexplained issues and seek to resolve them. Although they often strive to increase basic knowledge without considering its practical use, the knowledge they develop has been an important part of many scientific and engineering achievements.

Learn more about Mathematician jobs

Mathematician Salaries


The median annual wage of mathematicians was $99,380 in 2010. That works out to be $47.78 per hour.bls. Check out the  for more information on the job outlook for mathematicians.





Let's Connect!


Math Placement Information

Developmental Math Dept.
(Math 1010 and lower)

Office hours

Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
For questions or concerns,  email math@weber.edu.


Mailing address

Weber State University
Department of Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2517
Ogden, UT 84408-2517

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 381, Mail Code 2517

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