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Math is the Language of Choice

From data mining to forensics, mathematics is the language of choice for an increasing number of disciplines. The scientist, the engineer, the actuary, the financial planner -- all use algebra, geometry, calculus and statistics.

Most people know that developing mathematical skills helps people to become informed voters and consumers who are able to make logical decisions about issues ranging from utility rates and retirement saving to information security and global warming. Bet you didn't know all four of these interesting facts about the Mathematical Sciences, though!

You will like Mathematics if...

♦ You want to contribute to solving world problems using numbers and logic
 You want to earn substantially higher-than-average scores on standardized tests such as LSAT and GMAT.
You want a field that ranks near the top among college majors in terms of average starting salary after college
You'd love a job that ranks near the top in studies of job satisfaction
You want options in the . Business, finance, actuarial science, computer science, cryptography, biotechnology, teaching and more.


See yourself here...

Can you picture yourself using logic and creativity to solve current world problems like how to feed the hungry or how to fight disease?

A Math degree can help you make that happen. 

Our small classes and individualized attention will prepare you for the many careers that allow you to use what you will learn in Mathematics to make a difference in this world.  



We want to help!

♦ New Students Apply to 日本一级片. Apply To 日本一级片

♦ Contact the CoS Advising Office.
General Advising

♦ Declare your Mathematics major in your eWeber portal. Login then open the app. 

For answers to your questions, help with your schedule, and introductions to your ongoing faculty advisor email the department at math@weber.edu


Let's Connect!

Math Placement Information

Developmental Math Dept.
(Math 1010 and lower)

Office hours

Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
For questions or concerns,  email math@weber.edu.


Mailing address

Weber State University
Department of Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2517
Ogden, UT 84408-2517

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 381, Mail Code 2517

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