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Department of Political Science & Philosophy

Weber State University’s Department of Political Science & Philosophy opens the doors to exciting opportunities for its students. As a student, you will have opportunities to get involved in our nationally ranked mock trial, moot court, and ethics bowl teams, as well as learn firsthand from nationally respected professors. Additionally, many of our students have done internships in Washington, D.C. and at the State of Utah Legislature.

If graduate school is your goal, our students have gone on to study at some of the best graduate and law schools in the country including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Princeton, Georgetown, Vanderbilt and many others.


Degree Programs


Political Science

Discover how systems of government function and how you can create significant change in the world by getting involved with politics.

  • BA or BS in political science or political science teaching
  • Political science minor
  • Political science teaching minor
  • International studies minor
  • Legal studies minor
  • Public Administration minor

Politcal Science Programs


Examine your own belief systems as you learn about influential thinkers who have shaped the ways we think about values, knowledge and the nature of reality.

  • BA in philosophy
  • Philosophy minor
  • Certificate of ethics

Philosophy Programs

Declare Your Major

Contact your academic advisor with your W number to declare your major/minor and for help selecting your courses.


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Department of Political Science & Philosophy

Lindquist Hall Room 132
1299 Edvalson St
Ogden UT 84408-1203
Phone: 801-626-6694