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Student Testimonials


"Majoring in Political Science at Weber has given me the opportunity to engage in several high-impact experiences from collaborative projects to undergraduate research. I was able to apply skills I had gained from coursework — such as political analysis — directly to my research project. I was awarded a research grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research for gathering data from local community members and analyzing the data to understand women’s political engagement in Northern Utah. These experiences have given me an opportunity to apply the skills that I have gained from the Department of Political Science & Philosophy to projects that I care about and community members care about."
Myla Andersen, Political Science graduate of Spring 2019



"Moot Court was easily one of the best experiences I had while I was at Weber State. I participated for four years, travelling to places like Long Beach and Chicago to debate Constitutional Law. One of the things that this activity really helped me improve on was my ability to argue both sides of an issue, which has been beneficial in my professional and private life. In addition, Moot Court also helped me become more familiarized and knowledeablge in many areas current topics like voter rights, abortion and freedom of speech. This activity deeply improved my public speaking abilities, and I really enjoyed representing Weber State University at these competitions!"
James Stolhand , Philosophy graduate of Fall 2018



"I had the opportunity to work alongside Dr. Gary Johnson to help prepare a fact sheet and a poster on public lands which was used at a panel discussion on Public Lands, which was part of the “Matter of Fact” Community Engaged Learning Series.  This was an interesting experience as there was so much information out there to sort through.  The information was gathered, compiled, reviewed and revised with all of the panelists’ input.  I also found maps of public lands, graphs of economic activity related to public lands, and graphs of national parks’ value, and these all fit well on the Poster.  The poster was important to help people get a visual of public lands and spark interest in learning more.  Overall, I learned so much about public lands and was glad to get to work with such great people."
Christopher Herman, Political Science graduate of Spring 2019