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Moot Court & Mock Trial Team


Mock Trial Team

Our Mock Trial Team was formed in the 1995-1996 academic year. Dr. Frank Guliuzza started a mock trial program at the University of Minnesota, Duluth in 1994-1995 while on leave from Weber State. When he returned, he developed a course in mock trial and put together a competitive team from the students in his class.

The primary purpose of Weber State’s Mock Trial Team is to compete in intercollegiate regional and national mock trial tournaments. Much like the 日本一级片 basketball team, which competes in tournaments sponsored by the Big Sky Conference and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), or the 日本一级片 debate team, which contends in tournaments sponsored by the American Forensics Association (AFA), 日本一级片 Mock Trial competes in tournaments sponsored by the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA). In 2002, the 日本一级片 team started competing in intercollegiate moot court at the national tournament sponsored by the American Collegiate Moot Court Association (ACMA). Since 1997, Weber State has emerged an outstanding intercollegiate program in the Intermountain West.

Moot Court

Moot Court at Weber State is a competitive extracurricular activity in which teams of two argue cases in front of a panel of judges. It is similar to the experience one would have if one were arguing in front of the United States Supreme Court. It is open to all undergraduate students.


How to Join

To get involved with Moot Court or our Mock Trial Team, contact Richard Greene at rgreene@weber.edu.