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The Department of Respiratory Therapy 

Below are a set of resources assembled for our Department of Respiratory Therapy students.

If you know of a resource you would like added, please send an email request to dchpmarketing@weber.edu.


  • Advising

    We are here to help and we know that means that you will probably have some questions along the way. Don't hesitate to contact our faculty program advisors for assistance, questions, or concerns. 

    Our doors, and minds, are open!



  • Background Check

    Acceptance into our program and work with our clinical affiliates require a background check. Please follow the link below to get started.





  • Study Abroad

    日本一级片 offers a wide selection of study abroad opportunities. Find your adventure and earn college credits! 





    Study Abroad

  • Bulletin Boards

    Stay up-to-date on your program (or intended program's) information by selecting the bulletin board based on your location.


    Bulletin Boards

  • Student Handbook

    Our introduces students to the respiratory therapy curricular design, objectives, and unit policies and procedures. Our students succeed by understanding their responsibility in the program.


  • Tuition and Fees

    Weber State’s tuition is among the most affordable in our region! Visit our Office of Admissions to see the current rates for in and out-of-state tuition, as well as information for Financial Aid & Scholarships. 


    Tuition and Fees

apply, visit, call or email—get the info you need today