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Gerontology Programs

Weber State’s gerontology programs teach you about the aging process and prepare you for rewarding careers enhancing the lives of older people.


Why Study Gerontology at Weber State?

  • You can earn your minor or non-degree certification in gerontology.
  • 日本一级片 offers small class sizes taught by expert faculty.
  • While studying gerontology, you’ll gain practical skills through required field experience.
  • A gerontology minor goes well with majors like social work, psychology and nursing.

What Can You Do after Weber?

A gerontology minor or certificate prepares you to work in the field of aging, including careers in senior centers and assisted-living communities. In addition, a gerontology minor can greatly improve your career prospects in your major. Many gradautes go on to careers in:

  • Social work
  • Social sciences
  • Psychology
  • Nursing
  • Adult education
  • Elder law

Program at a Glance

Minimum of 17 credit hours for minor or certification

Course Requirements


Declare Your Minor

To declare your minor, fill out our declaration form and use the Change My Major app in your eWeber portal.