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Policies & Procedures

Code of Ethics

Students enrolled in social work classes must abide by the . Disciplinary actions may be taken by the Social Work Program Admissions and Retention Committee when a student is found in noncompliance with ethical and/or professional practice standards.

Repeat Classes

Students not meeting the minimum grade requirement for any individual social work course may repeat such course one (1) time before being dropped from the social work program.



Social work majors must consult with their social work advisors before registering each semester. Generally, only juniors and seniors will be allowed in those courses numbered 3000/4000. Only social work majors will be allowed in SW 4800 Projects and Research, 4830 Directed Readings and 4890 Cooperative Work Experience. 

Social Work & Gerontology Advising

Departmental Honors

Students must receive permission from the department chair before registering in courses for honors credit. A written agreement shall be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for honors credit.

Applying for Departmental Honors

Policy for Program Changes

Students must select a specific edition of the and follow the graduation requirements listed therein. It is recommended that students select the catalog published during the year they declare their program of study within the following limitations:

  • Bachelor’s degree candidates must choose graduation requirements from a catalog published within the six-year period prior to their graduation.
  • It is recommended that students work closely with advisors in their major and minor departments to be aware of any recent changes that may affect their program completion.
  • The social work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), which may request or require program changes. All students will be required to adjust to these and other program changes except under the following conditions:
    • If a student has been formally admitted to the program under certain program requirements and maintains continuous enrollment until graduation
    • If a student has been formally admitted to the program under certain program requirements and has been enrolled in major or minor courses within the last three (3) semesters
    • If a student has not been formally admitted to the program but has received written program requirements advisement from a social work faculty member within the last two (2) semesters

Complaints, Appeals & Petitions

Refer to your course syllabus for grading policies and discuss issues with your instructor.

For complaints regarding a faculty member or another aspect of your program, you may contact the department chair.

Dr. Mark Bigler
Department Chair
Lindquist Hall Building Room 327

For other concerns, visit Weber State’s Student Petition, Complaints & Grievances Website.