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College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Advising

Our College of Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Advisors can help you choose your major/minor, adjust your class schedule to fit your needs, and make sure you are on the right track to meet your major's prerequisite requirements. Once you have finished your general education requirements, your major/minor faculty advisor can assist you.

Before We Meet

Here are some tools to help you get familiar with program requirements, class descriptions, and more. The more informed you are, the better we can assist you during your advising appointment. Please contact information to include your preferred contact phone number(s).

Make sure you sign up for New Student Orientation and Weber Welcome. Please complete the before scheduling an advising appointment. The modules will answer many of your questions about getting started. These events will help you transition into and guide you on your college journey.

If you would like a parent, spouse, or significant other to be with you during an advising appointment, you must fill out a in your eWeber portal as stated in the FERPA guidelines.


College of Social & Behavioral Sciences General Education Advisors


Nick Ferre

Lindquist Hall 107B
Ogden Main Campus
(801) 626-7809


Christy Cottrell

Lindquist Hall 107A
Ogden Main Campus
(801) 626-7809


Genesis Vasquez

Lindquist Hall 157
Ogden Main Campus
(801) 626-7809


Tawny Choi

Lindquist Hall 158
Ogden Main Campus
(801) 626-7809


Schedule an Advising Appointment

Schedule an appointment with one of our advisors with the Starfish app in your eWeber portal. Check out this  and these helpful .

Additional Information

  • Have questions about registration? Check out this video. Many students utilize the in the eWeber portal to efficiently register for courses.
  • Need help using Zoom for virtual appointments? Check out these resources:
  • Additional Student Resources