Get Focused Support

You are unique and everything about you that makes you who you are is amazing! We want to celebrate and respect each and every student on campus and offer support, community and belonging. Many of these resources are free because you already paid for them with your student fees. All resources on campus are available to all students with a valid Wildcard.* 

Check Out Ways To Get Involved For More Support Opportunities


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We have a variety of services ranging from those that directly supplement classroom learning to those that are aimed at helping students attain a holistic education and healthy lifestyle.


Disability Services

We provide specialized services, technology and advisement to meet the needs of disabled students with vision, hearing, mobility, cognitive and/or psychological impairments.

Helps make the transition to college easier by making sure that students have a positive support system including specially designed learning communities (2 - 3 classes together), mentoring/tutoring, and events and activities for first-year students.

General Studies & Exploratory Advising

Academic Advisors in the General Studies & Exploratory Advising Center support students by helping them learn important life skills, explore other majors while completing general education requirements, and guide them as they discover their major options and transition into their chosen academic program.

 students talking


Groups offer connection with others dealing with similar life experiences. While the group format may at first seem intimidating, groups also bring unique advantages and opportunities for learning. Check out the groups happening this semester!


International Students

The International Student and Scholar Center advises and assists with personal, cultural and academic adjustment of international students to 日本一级片.

Veterans Services

Military Affiliated Center

We help veterans and military affiliated students and through the process of eligibility, admissions, registration and paying for their education if they are eligible to receive GI Bill benefits.

Student Support Services is a grant funded program that provides academic support primarily to first-generation and low-income students.

Check out our STEM support with Student Support Services - STEM

Wildcat Scholars

Offers extra help in College English and math for first year of college. Student must have a Math Placement of 1, 2 or 3 AND English Placement of 1 or 2. Students get personalized advising and FREE textbooks in the first semester.

Veterans Upward Bound

Veterans Upward Bound

We help veterans prepare for and succeed in post-secondary education, FREE of charge.

*Concurrent Enrollment students and students enrolled in self-support-only classes may not be able to access all of these student services because they do not pay student fees.