Don't Cancel Class Workshops
The workshops below can take the place of your class if you need to attend a conference, meeting or even a last-minute emergency, and will provide information on a variety of educational topics or services, some of which may relate to your course content. Topics include finances, health, academic support, employment, leadership, involvement, service and safety. We also have information that can be shared at a faculty meeting. Please contact the workshop contact (or book online when possible) for the workshop you would like.
Almost all workshop lengths and topics can be adjusted to fit your needs.
* Advanced notice is appreciated and last-minute requests are not guaranteed
How to Talk to Your Professor
30-45 minutes
Students are encouraged to ask questions in class or visit office hours but are often intimidated or not given the tools to do so. In this presentation, students will reflect on their interactions with professors, discuss the value of talking with their instructors, and draft an outline to prepare for a meeting with their professor.
Contact Olga G. Antonio: | 801-626-7332
SMART Goal Setting
30 minutes
Setting SMART goals makes it more likely for folks to achieve what they set out to do. This workshop introduces the factors that make up good goals whether they are focused on personal, academic, or involvement areas. Students will be able to describe and write SMART goals. Peer Mentors co-facilitate these workshops for added peer-to-peer learning benefits.
Contact Olga G. Antonio: | 801-626-7332
Values Exploration
30-45 minutes
What are your values? What are your peers' values? Values determine much of how we move through our everyday lives. As we work with others and create meaningful relationships, values can serve as guides for those interactions. In this workshop, students will be introduced to what values are, explore their top values and discuss how these shape their peer to peer interactions. Peer Mentors co-facilitate these workshops for added peer-to-peer learning benefits.
Contact Olga G. Antonio: | 801-626-7332
Team Building
30-45 minutes
Need some fun team-building time in your class or group? Let Peer Mentors facilitate a variety of activities to build camaraderie and trust for more effective communication. Space to move around is required.
Contact Olga G. Antonio: | 801-626-7332
Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities: What's in it for me?
10-60 minutes
This session helps students understand the value of undergraduate research activity, and what they can expect from the experience. How to find a project and a mentor. - Students will explore mechanisms and avenues for connecting with a faculty mentor and developing their project. How to fund your research, scholarly and creative activities. This workshop explores the funding opportunities available for students and teaches them how to apply for funding through the Office of Undergraduate Research.
Career Exploration (Virtual & In-Person)
30-60 minutes
Students will learn how to apply the Holland Code Theory to identify their interests and discover careers that fit those interests. We will also examine government databases to obtain important occupational information, including local and national salary, job outlook, and educational attainment for particular fields and careers.
Contact Career Services: | 801-626-6393
Internships and High Impact Engagement (Virtual & In-Person)
50 – 60 minutes
One of the most critical elements of preparation for the world of full-time employment is practice; via internships and other relevant experiences. Career Services professionals talk with students about availability, processes for attaining these experiences, and how to use them to their greatest advantage.
Contact Sara Seefried: | 801-
30 minutes or longer
Having an ePortfolio will allow students to demonstrate what they have learned in classes and current jobs to future employers or for graduate school. This workshop will introduce students to Folio in Canvas and will include: the purpose, benefits, and how to create an ePortfolio. Students will be shown a sample ePortfolio and resources to help them create a strong ePortfolio of their own.
Contact Sara Seefried: |
Packaging & Selling Your Skills (Virtual & In-Person)
50 – 60 minutes
This interactive session helps students identify learning outcomes and "soft skills" that give them an advantage when seeking career-related positions. The staff help students align what they are learning with the needs and desires of a global workforce.
Contact Career Services: | 801-626-6393
Resume Development (Virtual & In-Person)
30-60 minutes
This session will help students understand the components of an effective resume and how to develop one. We will discuss various resume types, when to use them, how to target your resume by using keywords and writing descriptive tasks, as well as getting through those picky Application Tracking Systems.
Contact Career Services: | 801-626-6393
Understanding the Skills Employers are Seeking (Virtual & In-Person)
50 – 60 minutes
This session helps students understand how to apply their learning to skills and abilities sought by employers. The session is modified slightly for each presentation based on the college and class requesting the program.
Contact Career Services: | 801-626-6393
Budgeting (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes
This session teaches students the basics of creating and maintaining a budget.
Contact Jennifer Garner: jennifergarner@weber.
Managing Debt (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes
Students will learn about types of debt, how interest rates work, and other resources.
Contact Jennifer Garner: jennifergarner@weber.
Understanding Credit and Credit Scores
50 minutes
Students will learn about how the credit industry works, how credit scores are calculated, and how to fix inaccuracies.
Contact Jennifer Garner: jennifergarner@weber.
Intro to the Counseling and Psychological Services Center (Virtual & In-Person)
30 - 45 minutes
An introduction to common mental health issues among college students and treatment options available at Weber State.
Contact Aaron Jeffrey: | 801-626-6406
*A minimum of two weeks lead time is required for scheduling.
QPR for Suicide Prevention (Virtual & In-Person)
60 - 90 minutes
A presentation that teaches anyone how to recognize the signs of suicide and how to intervene to help save a life. A minimum of two weeks leads time is required for scheduling.
Contact Dianna Abel: | 801-626-6274
*A minimum of two weeks lead time is required for scheduling.
Self-Care 101: Beyond Bubble Baths (Virtual & In-Person)
1 hour
Self-care is an important part of our overall health and well-being, but it's so much more than dark chocolate and bubble baths! We'll discuss what self-care is, what it is not, and how to create a meaningful self-care routine.
Contact Student Wellness: | 801-626-7524
Stress-Busters (Virtual & In-Person)
1 hour
Stress is the #1 academic impact for Weber State students. In other words, it's the leading factor that causes our students to receive a lower grade on a test or assignment. We know that stress is what? No stress relief method works for every person in every situation - and that's okay! This presentation covers a variety of hands-on stress management activities to give students an idea of what will and what won't work for them.
Contact Student Wellness: | 801-626-7524
Student Wellness 101 (Virtual & In-Person)
45 minutes – 1 hour
What does "wellness" mean, and what does Student Wellness do at 日本一级片.
Contact Student Wellness: | 801-626-7524
Understanding Impostership Syndrome
30 - 45 minutes
We all feel it sometimes. "Am I good enough? Should I even be here?" In this workshop, participants will learn about the impostership syndrome, reflect on their own experiences, and brainstorm ways to address it. Peer Mentors co-facilitate these workshops for added peer-to-peer learning benefits.
Contact Olga G. Antonio: | 801-626-7332
Yoga at Your Desk (Virtual & In-Person)
30 – 60 minutes
Stay focused by taking a movement break while studying/working. Learn basic yoga postures that can be facilitated at your desk with minimal sweat and maximal effectiveness.
Contact Teri Bladen: | 801-626-8647
Experience Engagement at Weber State (Virtual Only)
50 minutes
Learn about the many types of engagement 日本一级片SA offers students at Weber State and the ways you can get involved in the campus community and within Student Involvement and Leadership.
Contact Tara Peris: | 801-626-7334
Get a Mentor, Be a Mentor!
5-10 minutes
Did you know Weber State has several mentoring programs available for students to make the most of the college experience? In this informational session, students can learn about the positive impact of peer to peer mentoring, how they can get a peer mentor and about opportunities to be a mentor. Connecting to appropriate resources just got easier.
Contact Olga Antonio: | 801-626-7330
High Impact Educational Experiences (HIEEs)-Get the Wildcat Advantage! (Virtual and In-Person)
30-45 minutes
Introduction to the Wildcat Advantage Program and the benefits that will help students get the advantage, academically and professionally. Students in this program will learn how to connect to specific HIEEs and build an ePortfolio that highlights their experiences and learning. Students will also enjoy program benefits, such as earning graduation cords and recognition.
Contact Jenny Frame and Elizabeth Hatch: | 801-626-6313
Purposeful Involvement
15-30 minutes
There are so many great options to be involved and engaged at Weber State. What to choose? In this presentation, Peer Mentors facilitate a conversation and activity to help students identify and narrow down involvement opportunities that can purposeful for their goals.
Contact Olga Antonio: | 801-626-7330
So You Want to Study Abroad? It's easy, here's how
15 minutes (or longer)
An informational session about study abroad programs.
Contact Eric Hunter: | 801-
Stay Active and Engaged as a Wildcat (Virtual & In-Person)
30 - 60 minutes
Your student fees at work! Learn the multitude of programs, services, and job opportunities offered through Campus Recreation to get the most out of your time as a 日本一级片 student.
Contact Campus Recreation: | 801-626-7967
What Student Involvement and Leadership Can Do for You (Virtual Only)
45 minutes
Find your niche in SIL and enhance your college experience through the many opportunities, small and large, that SIL offers... we have an opportunity for everyone!
Contact Tara Peris: | 801-626-7334
Everyday Leadership (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes
Exploring leadership styles and skills and how to apply them in your everyday life for success.
Contact Sheldon Cheshire: | 801-626-7850
CliftonStrengths 101: Knowing Your Strengths (Virtual & In-Person)
60 minutes
Students will learn how to focus on your strengths as an individual and in groups.
Contact Sheldon Cheshire: | 801-626-7850
CARE: Bystander Intervention (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes (or longer)
How many times have you witnessed something that just doesn't feel right, but you don’t really know what to do about it? Most of us say we would step in to help a friend or to stop someone from being hurt, but do we know how to do that? Be empowered with the knowledge and skills to effectively assist in the prevention of violence. This workshop will answer these questions and will leave participants knowing what they can do to help stop violence before it occurs.
Contact Safe@Weber: | 801-626-6090 | Book Online
Don’t Be Afraid to Catch Feels - Healthy Relationships & Consent (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes (or longer)
This workshop will help participants improve communication skills, effectively set boundaries, understand consent, and navigate breaking up and app-based dating. This workshop provides participants a way to reflect on their choices when it comes to relationships and gains a deeper understanding of what they want to gain from their relationships with other people. Topics include starting relationships, consent, breaking up, and dating via apps.
Contact Safe@Weber: | 801-626-6090 | Book Online
Gender Socialization, Violence, and Prevention (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes (or longer)
This workshop explores gender role socialization, media representation, what you can do about it, becoming an active bystander.
Contact Safe@Weber: | 801-626-6090 | Book Online
Safe@Weber Overview (Virtual & In-Person)
50 minutes (or longer)
Don’t have time to participate in all of Safe@Weber’s workshops? Don’t worry, this condensed workshop explores dynamics of interpersonal violence, 日本一级片 policies, resources, and supporting survivors. Organizations can choose between a workshop that also highlights consent or bystander intervention.
Contact Safe@Weber: | 801-626-6090 | Book Online
Benefits of Community Engagement (Virtual & In-Person)
20 minutes
The following sessions are available in 20-minute segments:
- Why engage with the community and how will it help students succeed?
- How can students use Give Pulse to find engagement opportunities and track hours?
- What is AmeriCorps and how do students sign up for it?
Contact CCEL: | 801-626-7737
Working Together: Improving Web and Media Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities (Virtual & In-Person)
Technology reduces the barriers faced by many individuals with disabilities, but at the same time creates new and complex challenges in public access. This interactive session will explore creative methods to respond to issues of accessibility in the classroom, online, and beyond. Participants will learn about 日本一级片's overall efforts to ensure equal access to digital media in compliance with federal and state statutes and will consider ways individuals and departments can effectively address these concerns.
Contact Disability Services Center: | 801-626-6413
Access & Accommodation: Working with Students with Disabilities on Campus (Virtual & In-Person)
Training for faculty and staff members who would like to learn more about their role in providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities on campus. Overview of relevant disability law, the mission of 日本一级片 Disability Services Center, and strategies for working with students in the classroom and beyond. Training may be customized for departmental or individual needs.
Contact Disability Services Center: | 801-626-6413
An Overview of Campus Recreation (Virtual & In-Person)
A general overview of department services and student engagement opportunities within the many program areas of campus recreation (Aquatics & Safety, Fitness, Intramural Sports, Sports Clubs, Marketing & Operations, and Outdoor Program)
Contact Teri Bladen: | 801-626-8647
Disability 101 (Virtual & In-Person)
This workshop explores the basic elements of disability awareness. It is designed to be a general overview with options to customize for in-depth discussions. The session will address definitions of disability/ability, myths and stigma, related laws and legislation, accommodations, assistive technology, and more. When available, the session may also include a panel discussion by individuals with disabilities who can share personal experiences and advice. This workshop or follow-up sessions could focus on particular areas of interest (Deafness, blindness, mental illness, learning disability, health care costs, sexuality, technology, education, etc.).
Contact Disability Services Center: | 801-626-6413
High Impact Educational Experiences (HIEEs)-Get the Wildcat Advantage! Faculty Version (Virtual and In-Person)
30-45 minutes
Introduction to the Wildcat Advantage Program and the benefits that will help students get the advantage, academically and professionally. Students in this program will learn how to connect to specific HIEEs and build an ePortfolio that highlights their experiences and learning. Students will also enjoy program benefits, such as earning graduation cords and recognition.
Contact Jenny Frame and Elizabeth Hatch: | 801-626-6313
Safe@Weber Supporting Survivors (Virtual Only)
In this course, participants will learn more about best practices in responding to an initial disclosure from survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, as well as how to connect them to campus resources that can assist in the reporting and investigative processes. We recommend completing Training Tracker 100-07 Building a Safe Campus through Trust and Education and #101-50 Mandatory OEO Title IX before taking this course. Sign up on Training Tracker 100-08.
Contact Safe@Weber: | 801-626-6090
Understanding the International Student Experience (Virtual & In-Person)
An insight into the choices, challenges, and expectations of international students in the U. S.
Contact Mary Machira: | 801-626-6853
Why Wellness Matters (Virtual Only)
Did you know that healthy behaviors like regular physical activity, good nutrition, and a good night's sleep have a direct impact on a student's academic success? College is a natural time for adult habits to shape and emerge. Learn how you can encourage your students to adopt healthy behaviors that will benefit them both in the classroom and throughout their lifespan.
Contact Student Wellness: | 801-626-7524
Working Together: Improving Web and Media Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities (Virtual & In-Person)
Technology reduces the barriers faced by many individuals with disabilities, but at the same time creates new and complex challenges in public access. This interactive session will explore creative methods to respond to issues of accessibility in the classroom, online, and beyond. Participants will learn about 日本一级片's overall efforts to ensure equal access to digital media in compliance with federal and state statutes and will consider ways individuals and departments can effectively address these concerns.
Contact Disability Services Center: | 801-626-6413