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Departmental Honors

Departmental Honors offers distinction to the best students in a major.

The goal of this program is to recognize accomplishments in three primary areas: scholarship, leadership, and professionalism.

How to Apply

  • Complete and submit the Departmental Honors Application. This application can be found on the Honors Student Portal (see image below). 

honors student portal

  • Contact Shirley Dawson, the Departmental Honors Chair in Teacher Education, who will review your application;
  • Submit the signed application to Marilyn Diamond, the Honors Program Advisor;
  • You must be admitted into Departmental Honors for at least one semester before graduating. (You will receive a letter confirming your acceptance in the program.)
  • Meet the requirements listed above;
  • Visit with Shirley Dawson early in the semester of anticipated graduation to provide verification of completed Departmental Honors Projects. 
  • Submit the completed exit form to the Honors Student Portal. After your completed exit form is completed, the Honors Department will clear you for graduation with Departmental Honors.

Please note:

  • The final interview for check of completed projects must be submitted prior to fall break for fall graduation and prior to spring break for spring graduation.
  • You must still apply through the graduation office.


Upon receiving departmental honors, you will be recognized with the following:

  • Your transcript and degree diploma will be printed with the distinction, "Departmental Honors in Teacher Education."
  • You will be invited to all Honors Program social and educational events.


  • Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above;
  • Complete four of the following options with prior written approval of the Departmental Honors Committee. You must complete a written proposal that defines and articulates your plan. Use the template below and submit to the Teacher Education Departmental Honors Chair, Dr Shirley Dawson.
Options include:
  • Complete at least one course offered through the Honors Program with a grad of "B+" or above;
  • Participate in a reading group by attending three or more sessions in a semester and write a reflection paper that connects the practice of teaching to themes in a featured book;
  • Complete a comprehensive literature review concerning an educational issue or concept; (Indicate the length and type of literature review you will complete on the proposal form.)
  • Complete a curriculum project beyond requirements in a course or student teaching; (Your proposal should highlight the qualitative or quantitative impact within classroom practices.)
  • Complete a volunteer project related to the teaching discipline beyond the required senior service project; (The hours for this service project should fall within the range of 20-45 hours.)
  • Develop materials for the classroom including possibly a readers' theatre, a song book, etc.
  • Develop a skill for utilization in a classroom and document the development and implementation of that skill in practice;
  • Hold a leadership position in a student chapter of a state or national education organization for the length of an academic year;
  • Present at a research conference, including 日本一级片's Undergraduate Research Conference;
  • Design a project of your own articulated on the proposal form that receives approval of the Departmental Honors Committee. Participate in the Honors Nye Banquet poster presentation when you graduate

For more information, please contact:

Shirley Dawson
Teacher Education Departmental Honors Advisor
Phone: 801-626-7853


Proposal Form for Departmental Honors in Teacher Education:

This is a template of the written proposal you are required to submit. Please produce the document in Word and send via email to Dr. Dawson for committee review. The following information should be included:

I. Please list the options that you are interested in pursuing.
II. Describe each project and what you are planing to do. Explain how each project is worthy to be deemed as Honors project. 
III. Explain how each project goes beyond typical course requirements and develops your skills as a teacher.
IV. How will you measure or demonstrate completion and success?
V. What is the projected date for completion?