Step Up
Special Education Teacher Expedited Pathway for Utah Professional Licensure
Are you working as a special education teacher in Utah but do not have a teaching license? Weber State University Teacher Education has an accredited preparation program for those who have a bachelor's degree and are seeking a special education mild/moderate professional license is now available through our Graduate Certificate Program (GCT). In cooperation with the Teacher Education and Graduate Certificate Teaching Departments at Weber State University and Utah State Board of Education, STEP UP is an expedited special education teacher preparation program specifically designed for those with a bachelor degree and employed in local public or charter schools as special education teachers or paraeducators.
GCT students employed as special education teachers or Paraeducators and accepted to the program may qualify for USBE funding support through our new State Sponsored STEP UP program.
The Special Education Teacher Expedited Pathway for Utah Professional Licensure (STEP UP) Program in the Teacher Education Department (TED) in conjunction with the Graduate Certificate in Teaching (GCT) Department in the Moyes College of Education (MCOE) at Weber State University (日本一级片) is an expedited post-baccalaureate special education teacher preparation program specifically designed to accommodate non-traditional participants who are already employed in Utah
Deadline: OPEN
Need more information? Email Dr. Shernavaz Vakil at
To download a flier,
To apply to STEP UP*