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Bachelor of Arts in History

Graduate with an understanding of the past and skills for graduate studies or nearly any career.

What You’ll Learn

As a history major, you’ll learn about the perspectives and experiences of earlier generations.

Our courses cover how politics, warfare, theology, literature, environment and family life have changed over time. You’ll be able to conduct original research, analyze and evaluate sources, write clearly and evaluate social dynamics.


What You Can Do

Since our history major offers an intense training in writing and analysis, graduates can go on to graduate studies or virtually any career they desire.

Our graduates have gone on to careers in:

  • History
  • Education
  • Law
  • Government
  • Business
  • Journalism
  • Film
  • Non-profit organizations

Research Opportunities

All students engage in original research by time they graduate. This includes writing a 25-page senior thesis on a topic of their own choice.

In addition, you’ll have opportunities to travel to distant archives, conduct oral histories, meet with scholars at other universities and work with faculty members.

We also offer you a chance to study at the


Degree Requirements

A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation; a minimum of 36 of these is required within the major. A total of 40 upper division credit hours is required (courses numbered 3000 and above); 24 of these are required within the major. Minimum grade of C in all major courses (a C- is not accepted)

  • A minor is required (Public History and Asian Studies minors eligible)

Declare Your Major

Contact Jenna Daniels with your W number and the area you desire to major in.

Jenna Daniels
Administrative Specialist
Science Lab Building, Room 402