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Scholarships & Awards

The Department of History offers numerous scholarships to History majors and minors. It usually announces awards in late Spring semester for students who are intending to enroll in the upcoming Fall semester. In other words, you would ideally know if the department was able to award you a scholarship (of a certain amount of money) before the end of spring semester that would facilitate your enrollment in the fall!

To apply (annually), complete 日本一级片's specialized scholarship application: 

The specialized scholarship application is also currently located on the Financial Aid & Scholarships office homepage (scroll down and it's located in the the purple circle number 5 tile:

Financial Aid & Scholarships (weber.edu)

Once you complete the application, the History Department Scholarship Committee will include your application in its evaluation process in Spring semester. Dollar amounts for scholarships vary considerably--some may cover the equivalent of half of annual tuition expenses and others much less.

Whether you receive a scholarship or not during a given year, please reapply every year to ensure your eligibility for scholarships!

Majors and minors: Please keep alert via email from the Department for any specialized announcements related to new scholarship opportunities!

The department typically offers a thesis prize to the best thesis written in History in a given year (nominations for the prize are made by professors teaching History 4990 and reviewed by the Scholarships Committee that selects to the best paper).

Scholarship and Prize recipients are also typically invited to a luncheon ceremony to celebrate the awards.

Please contact Professor Little with questions via email or in person: jblittle@weber.edu, Room 257 (during office hours or by appointment)


Available Scholarships


Jack & Betty Lampros History Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must have a declared major in the History Department. May be enrolled full or part-time. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Majors one of the following:
    •  History
    •  History Teaching
    •  Social Science Composite History Teaching
  • Weber State GPA between 3.5 and 4.0

Martha H. Collett Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must have a declared minor in Public History and a minimum 2.5 GPA. May be enrolled full or part-time. Recipients may be resident or non-resident students, and do not have to be U.S. citizens. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Minor: Public History
  • Weber State GPA between 2.5 and 4.0

Henry Ibarguen Latin American Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must be a History major or minor. Preference given to those that show need. Preference will be given to individuals who have faced challenging social, economic, educational, cultural or other life circumstances and to first-generation college students, defined as 'neither parent having received a four-year degree.' Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements 

  • Major: History
  • One of the following attendance levels;
    • Full-time (12-18 credit hours/semester)
    • Part-time (9-11 credit hours/semester)
    • Half-time (6-8 credit hours/semester)
  • Citizen or Affidavit or Non-Resident International student
  • Weber State GPA for nomination between 3.0 and 4.0

Dr. Richard Eberle Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must be a History major, have a 3.5 GPA or higher, and may be attending full or part-time. Preference will be given to a non-traditional student with the intent to teach history at the secondary school or university level. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Majors - one of the following:
    • History
    • History Teaching
    •  Social Science Composite History Teaching
  • Weber State GPA between 3.5 and 4.0

Wat Misaka and Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), Utah Chapter, Scholarship Endowment

The scholarship recipient must have a declared minor in Asian Studies, have a 2.5 GPA or higher, may be full or part-time student, and have demonstrated interest in Asian history, culture, and /or language. Preference will be given to Asian American students or those pursuing opportunities to study abroad in Asia. Applicants will need to submit a resume and one-page letter of interest. The scholarship recipient will be selected by the Asian Studies Scholarship Committee. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Minor: Asian Studies
  • Weber State GPA between 2.5 and 4.0

Evelyn L., Gordon K., and Mary E. (Polly) Harrington Asian Studies Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must be an undergraduate, full-time student enrolled in the Asian Studies program at 日本一级片, and have a 3.0 GPA or higher. Preference will be given to those students who have completed at least 2 semesters of an Asian foreign language (or the equivalent in comprehensive credit) and on Asian history courses. Applicants will need to submit an essay. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Minor: Asian Studies
  • Attendance level: Full-time (12-18 credit hours/semester)
  • Weber State GPA between 3.0 and 4.0

Kotter-MacKay Pubic History Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must have a declared major within the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. First preference given to those with a Public history minor. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Major: History
  • One of the following attendance levels;
    • Full-time (12-18 credit hours/semester)
    • Part-time (9-11 credit hours/semester)
    • Half-time (6-8 credit hours/semester)
  • Citizen or Affidavit or Non-Resident International student
  • Weber State GPA for nomination between 2.5 and 4.0
  • Weber State GPA between 2.5 and 4.0

Lola Allred Sessions History Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must be a full-time student with a declared History major who is eligible for in-state tuition and shows unique promise as a History major. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Attendance level: Full-time (12-18 credit hours/semester)
  • One of the following majors declared: 
    • History
    • History Teaching
    • Social Science Composite History Teaching
  • Citizen or Affidavit or Non-Resident International student
  • Utah Resident
  • Minimum Weber State GPA for nomination: 2.5
  • Minimum Weber State GPA for satisfactory progress to retain the scholarship: 2.5

Richard and Rose Ulibarri History Scholarship

The scholarship recipient must be a History major or minor or indicate a decision to be a history major or minor. Preference will be given to students from Ogden High School or Ben Lomond High School. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial needs. Preference may be given to individuals who have faced challenging social, economic, educational, cultural or other life circumstances. Previous recipients may reapply.

Main Requirements

  • Major: History
  • One of the following attendance levels;
    • Full-time (12-18 credit hours/semester)
    • Part-time (9-11 credit hours/semester)
    • Half-time (6-8 credit hours/semester)
  • Citizen or Affidavit or Non-Resident International student
  • Minimum GPA to be determined by the History Department.