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Public History Minor

Graduate with an expertise in public history and experience in the field. 

What You’ll Learn

Upon graduation, you will have an understanding of the key issues surrounding the politics and practice of public history and related fields, along with practical experience for your résumé.

You will also learn the primary areas of professional practice in public history, explore the role of tourism and travel writing in the industry and develop your oral and written communication skills. leahlagrone@weber.edu



What You Can Do

Public history professionals make history accessible to the public.

For further information about the field, visit the site

Employment opportunities include:

Historical consultant Museum professional


(Career information provided by the National Council on Public History)

  • Government historian
  • Archivist
  • Oral historian
  • Cultural Resource manager
  • Curator
  • Film and media producer
  • Historical interpreter
  • Historic preservationist
  • Policy adviser
  • Local historian
  • Community activist

Degree Requirements

Minimum of 24 credit hours in history courses  Minimum grade of C in all minor courses (a C- is not accepted), in addition to an overall GPA for these courses of 2.5 or higher

  • Open to all majors, including history majors (Courses may not be counted for both the history major and this minor.)
  • This minor may be taken as a component of the Bachelor of Integrated Studies.



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Contact Information

Jenna Daniels
Administrative Specialist
Lindquist Hall Office 232